
  • warning

    On this day, the CDC issued its first warning about a rare form of pneumonia amoung a small group of gay guys in LA
  • Period: to

    1981 to now

  • Risk Factors

    Cause of AIDS still unknownThe CDC established the term AIDS; refers to four "identified risk factors" of male homosexuality, intravenous drug abuse, Haitian origin and hemophilia A.
    First U.S. Cingressional hearing held.
    The first communtiy-based AIDS service provider in the U.S., established in NYC.
    First AIDS case reported in Africa.
    GRID increasingly used by the media and health care professionals, mistakenly suggesting inherent link between homosexuality and the syndrome.
  • AIDS unknown

  • Recommendations

    The U.S. Public Health Service issues recommendations for preventing transmissions of HIV through sexual contact and blood transfusions.
    Dr. Luc Montagnier of the Pasteur Institue in France isolates lymphadenopathy-associated virus.
    U.S. CDC clarifies its use of term "high risk group" and urges that it not to be used to justify discrimation or unwarranted fear of casual transmission.
    The Orphan Drug Act is signed into U.S. law, providing incentives to drug companies to develop therapies
  • Retrovirus Cause

    San Fransico order bathhouses to be closedU.S. Department of Health and Human Services announces Dr. Gallo finds that a retrovirus causes AIDS.
    San Francisco officials order bathhouses closed; major public controversy ensues and continues in LA, NY, and other cities.
    AIDS Action Council is formed by small group of AIDS service organizations from across the U.S.
    CDC states that abstention from intravenous drug use and reduction of needle-sharing.
  • First International AIDS Conference

    Rocky Houdson announces he has AIDS and later dies that yearFirst International AIDS Conference held in Atlanta.
    At least one HIV/AIDS case has been reported from each region of the world.
    The U.S. Public Health Service issues first recommendations for preventing transmission of HIV from mother to child.
    Pentagon announces that it will begin testing all recruits for HIV infection and will reject those who are postive.
    Ryan White, an Indiana teenager with AIDS, goes on to speak out publicly against AIDS stigma and discrimination.
  • AZT

  • First drug

    AZTPresident Reagan first mentions the word AIDS in public.
    Informal distribuation of clean syrings begins in Boston and New Haven.
    2nd international AIDS conference, Paris, France.
    ISC was created.
    the first drug used to treat AIDS, begins clinical trails.
    first HIV cases reported in Russia and India
    first panel of the Aids Memorial Quilt created.
  • Public Speech

    President Reagan makes first public speech about AIDS; establishes presidential Commission on HIV.
    first antiretroviral drug approved by U.S. FDA.
    global programme on AIDS launced by the WHO.
    TASO formed in Uganda.
    FDA sanctions first human testins of candidate vaccine against HIV.
    congress approves $30 million in emergency funding to states for AZT.
    CDC launches first AIDS-related public service announcements.
    "And the Band Played On"
    AIDS memorial quilt displayed on national mall in DC
  • WHO reports AIDS has jumped to 56% worldwide

  • Scientist

  • A special commession on AIDS presents a tough report to President Reagan

  • a girl can not attend close because she has AIDS

  • The department of justice policy

  • A TV commerical about AIDS

  • Declared

    world AIDS first declared by WHO
    UNAIDS reports that the number of women living with HIV/Aids in Africa exceeds that of men.
    international AIDS Society froms
    HOPE act of 1988 authorizes the use of federal funds for AIDS prevention, education, & testing.
    FDA allows the importation of unapproved drugs for persons with life-threatening illnesses including HIV/AIDS.
    A scientist injects himself with an experimental vaccine to help to find a cure.
  • First guidelines

    first guidelines for the prevention of PCP.
    A foreigner with AIDS is not allowed into the U.S. because he has the virus.
    U.S. congress creates the national commission on AIDS
    dancer and choreographer Alvin Ailey dies of AIDS.
    5th international AIDS conference held in Canada.
    "Day Without Art" organized by visual AIDS to acknowledge the impact of AIDS on the arts.
    photographer Robert Mapplethrorpe dies of AIDS
  • A foreigner with AIDS is not allowed in the U.S. because he has the virus

  • Day without art

  • AIDS conference

    6th international AIDS conference in CA.
    Ryan White dies at the age of 18.
    FDA approves use of AZT for pediatric AIDS.
    first national conference on women and AIDS held in Bosten.
    americans with disabilities act of 1990 enacted by the U.S. Congress.
    "Women, AIDS and Activism' developed by ACT UP's Women's Caucus became the first book of its kind.
    Kimberly Bergalis, of Florida, is believed to have been infected with HIV by her dentist, causing major public debate.
  • Ryan White dies at the age 18

  • CARE ACT of 1990

  • NBA

    NBA legend Magic Johnson announces that he is HIV-postive and retires from basketball.
    7th international conference held in Italy.
    CDC recommends restrictions on the practice of HIV-postive health care workers and congress enacts law requiring states to take similar action.
    red ribbon introduced as the international symbol of AIDS awareness at the Tony Awards.
    HOPWA act of 1991 enacted by the congress
    ICASO froms as global neetwork of nongovernmental and communtiy-based organizations.
  • 8th conference

    Ricky Ray died of AIDS.
    FDA licenses first rapid HIV test, which provided results in as little as 10 minutes.
    Mary Fisher and Bob Hattoy address the republican and democratic national conventions respectively.
    ICW is founded.
    AIDS becomes number one cause of death for U.S. men ages 25 to 44.
    tennis star Arthur Ashe announces he has AIDS.
  • Ricky Ray dies of AIDS

  • President Clinton

    President Clinton establishes ONAP.
    9th international AIDS conference, Berlin, Germany.
    WIHS and HERS begin; both major U.S. federally-funded research studies on women and HIV/AIDS.
    Congress enacts the NIH Revitalization Act, giving the OAR primary oversight of all NIH AIDS research.
    CDC initiates HIV prevention community planning process for local distribution of federal prevention funding.
    First annual "AIDSWatch"
    Katrina Haslip dies of AIDS.
    FDA aprroves female condom for sale in U.S.
  • Randy Shilts dies at the age of 42

  • Recommends AZT for pregant women

    U.S. public health service recommends use of AZT by women to reduce perinatal transmission of HIV
    10th internation AIDS conference, Yokohama, Japan.
    FDA approves an oral HIV test.
    Elizabeth Glaser dies of AIDS.
    Randy Shilts dies of AIDS at age 42.
    AIDS becomes leading cause of death for all American ages 25 to 44.
    NIH issues guidelines requiring applicants for NIH grants.
    Pedro Zamora dies later this year at age 22.
  • Greg Louganis announces he is living with AIDS

  • First protease inhibitor

    Presedient Clinton establishes presidential advisory council on HIV/AIDS.
    First white house conference on HIV/AIDS.
    Greg Louganis disclosers that he is living with HIV, leading to public debate regarding disclosure of HIV status.
    First guidelines for the prevention of opportunistics infections in persons infected with HIV issued by CDC.
    First national HIV testing day created by the national association of people with AIDS.
    Eric Wright dies of AIDS.
    CDC issues a report on SEPs.
  • 11th international AIDS conference

    UNAIDS begins operations.
    FDA approves first NNRTI.
    FDA approves viral load test.
    HIV no longer leading cause of death for Americans.
    The levine committee calls for overhaul of NIH AIDS research.
    Time amagazine names AIDS researcher Dr. David Ho as its "man of the year."
    Interview with AIDS researcher Dr. David Ho on a new AIDS drug.
  • Interview and Polls

  • Period, images, and AIDS awareness

  • optimism

    A period of optimism begins-being HIV-postive is no longer a death sentence.
    Images of what the AIDS virus looks like in the body.
    Brazil begins national ARV distribution.
    FDA approves HIV urine test and first HIV home testing and collection kit.
    The number of new AIDS cases diagnosed in the U.S. declines for first time in history of epidemic.
    Congress reauthorizes the Ryan White CARE Act.
    IAVI forms to speed the search for an effective HIV vaccine.
    Tommy Morrison announces he is HIV-positive,
  • AIDS-related deaths

    President Clinton announces goal of finding an effective accine in 10 years and the creation of Dale and Betty Bumpers vaccine research center.
    Congress enacts FDA modernization act of 1997
  • CBC

    12th international AIDS conference Geneva, Switzerland
    First large scale human trials (phase 3) for an HIV vaccine begin.
    Ricky Ray hemophilia fund act of 1998 enacted by congress.
    Supreme court in Bragdon v. Abbot rules that the Americans with disabilities act covers those in earlier stages of HIV disease.
    Jonathan Mann and Mary Lou Clements-Mann are killed in a plane crash in route to world health organization in Geneva.
  • LIFE

    First human vaccine trial in a developing country begins in Thailand.
    Reggie Williams, founder of the national task force on AIDS prevention, dies of AIDS.
    Congressional hispanic caucus convenes congressional hearing on impac of HIV/AIDS on latino community.
  • 13th international AIDS conference

    UN security councils each declare HIV/AIDS a security threat.
    President Clinton issues executive order to assist developing countries in importing and producing generic forms of HIV treatments.
    Global AIDS and tuberculosis relief act of 2000 authorizing up to $600 million for U.S. global efforts.
    Congress reauthorizes the Ryan White CARE Act for the second time.
    CDC reports that African Americans and Latino cases exceed those amoung whites.
    CDC forms GAP.

    The state of treatment for AIDS patients.
    First annual national black HIV/AIDS awareness day in the US.
    The word trade organization announces DOHA agreement, to allow developing countries to buy or manufactur generic medication to meet public health crises.
    Generic drug manufactures offer to produce discounted.
    June 5 markes 20 years since first AIDS case reported.
    UN secretary-general Kofi Annan calls for a global fund to fight AIDS during African summit on HIV/AIDS in Abuja, Nigeria.
  • Treatment for AIDS patients

  • The global fund to fight AIDS

    AIDS & African Americans.
    UNAIDS reports that women comprise about half of all adults living with HIV/AIDS worldwide.
    National intelligence council releases report on "next wave" of the epidemic
    HIV is leading cause of death worldwide, among those aged 15-59.
    14th international AIDS conference Barcelona, Spain.
    Approval of OraQuick rapid HIV-1 antibody test, by FDA; first rapid test to use prick.
  • AIDS and African Americans


    "3 by 5" initiative announced by WHO, to bring treatment to 3 million people by 2005.
    First annual national latino AIDS awareness day in the united states.
    G8 Evian Summit includes special focus on HIV/AIDS, new commitments to the global fund announced.
    The William J. Clinton presidential foundation secures price reductions for HIV/AIDS drugs from generic manufactures.
    The south african government announces new antiretroviral treatment program.
  • AIDS in China

  • Compares AIDS to war

  • 15th international AIDS conference

    The global fund to fight AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria holds first ever "partnership forum" in Bangkok, Thailand; 400 delegates participate.
    Department of health and human services announces expedited process by FDA for fixed dose combination and co-packaged products.
    UNAIDS launches the global coalition on women and AIDS to raise the visibilty of the epidemic's impact on women and girls around the world.
    Keith Cylar dies at age 45.
    Kofi Annan compares the war on terror to the war on AIDS.

    UK hosts G8 Summit at Gleneagles.
    At world economic forum's annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, priorities include a focus on addressing HIV/AIDS in Africa and other hard hit regions of the world.
    FDA grants "tentative approval to generic AIDS drug regimen for potential purphase under the president's emergency plan for AIDS relief"
    UNAIDS, the united states government, and the global fund to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria announces results of joint efforts to increase.
  • Quarter century

    UN convences follow-up meeting and issues progress report on the implementation of the declaration of commitment on HIV/AIDS.
    Centers for disease control and prevention releases revised HIV testing recommendations for heath-care settings, recommending routine HIV screening for all adults, aged 13-64, and yearly screening for those at high risk.
    Russia hosts G8 for first time; HIV/AIDS is addressed.
    16th international AIDS conference
    EECAAC held.
    Cogress reauthorizes the Ryan White CARE Act
  • President Bush calls on congress

    HIV/AIDS implementors meeting held in Kigali, Rwanda.
    WHO and UNAIDS recommend that "male circumcision should always be considered as part of a comprehensive HIV prevention package"
    WHO and UNAIDS issue new guidance recommending "providerinitated" HIV testing in health-care settings.
  • reauthorizes PEPFAR

    17th international AIDS conference, Mexico City; first to be held in Latin America.
    UN convenes UNGASS follow-up meeting and issues progress report on the implementation of the declaration of commitment on HIV/AIDS.
    INternational 2008 HIV/AIDs implementers meetings held in Kampala, Uganda
    CDC releases new HIV incidence estimates for the United States, showing that the U.S. epidemic is worsw than previously thought.
    First annual national gay men's HIV/AIDS awareness day in the United States.
  • GHI

    Newly elected President Obama calls for the first ever nationa HIV/AIDS strategy for the united states.
    The obama administration officially lifts HIV travel and immigration ban by removing the final regulatory barriers to entry, to take effect in January 2010.
    Congress eliminates long-standing statutory ban on the use of federal funding for needle exchange in the united states.
    First annual national caribbean american HIV/AIDS awareness day in the united states.
  • Removal of the U.S. HIV travel and immigration ban officially begins

    The XVIII international AIDS conference held in Vienna, Austria.
    UN convenes a summit to accelerate progress toward the 2015 UN millennium development goals.
    Obama administration releases first comprehensive national HIV/AIDS strategy for the united states in july.
    South African researchers announce results of a clinical trial showing that use of microbbicide gel significantly reduced risk of HIV infection among sexually active women.
  • Marks 30 years

    CDC releases new HIV incidence estimates for the United States.
    Large couples shows early treatment of HIV-infected person greatly reduces transmission to negative partner.
    Department of health and human services launches the "12 cities project" focusing resources on areas with the highest AIDS burden in the country.
    Elizabeth Taylor dies
    Government announces goal of an AIDS-free generation, highlighted in speeches by secretary of state clinton and president obama.
  • XIX international AIDS conference

    FDA approves OraQuick in-home test. the first rapid test using oral fluid that can be bought over-the-counter; results of which are obtained at home.
    FDA approves the use of Truvada for reducing the risk of HIV infection in unifected individuals at high risks, marking the first HIV treatment to be approved for PrEP