HIV/AIDS Timeline

  • HIV/AIDS is seen for the first time.

    HIV/AIDS is seen for the first time.
    The US Center for DIsease Control and Prevention (CDC publish an MMWR decribing how a rare lung disease (PCP) has occured in five young, previously healthy, homosexual men. This leads them to think that their immune systems are failing. This is the first official report of HIV/AIDS.
  • The word "AIDS" is used for the first time.

    CDC uses the term AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) for the first time, and give everybody a definition of it. It usesd to be called GRIDS (Gay-Related Immune Deficiency Syndrome), because they thought that only homosexual people would get it.
  • Outpatient AIDS clinic is created.

    Outpatient AIDS clinic is created.
    Ward 86 becomes the world's frst dedicated outpatient AIDS clinic. It opens at San Fransisco General Hospital. An outpatient clinic is a part of a hospital that is dedicated to one certain type of disease, which in this case is AIDS.
  • Blood tests are recommended.

    CDC tell everybody that AIDS is caused by a newly identified virus, and recommend blood tests.
  • Magic Johnson has some confessions.

    Magic Johnson has some confessions.
    NBA player Magic Johnson announces that he is HIV positive. Because of him coming out, other people who thought they were HIV positive would have been embarrased to go to a doctor and check if they were HIV positive, but seen he came out, they came out and got treatment
  • AIDS is super deadly.

    This year, AIDS becomes the number one cause of death for american men ages 25 to 44.
  • A partnership to fight AIDS is created.

    A partnership to fight AIDS is created.
    The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, a partnership between governemnts, private organizations, non-profit organizations, etc is created.
  • The president helps against HIV/AIDS.

    President George Bush announces that he is going to make a PResident's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). It is a $15 billion, 5 year plan to fight HIV/AIds.
  • At-home HIV test is approved by the FDA.

    At-home HIV test is approved by the FDA.
    FDA approves the first at-home HIV test, that will let their user know if they are HIV positive right away!
  • A therapy is proven to be highly effective agaisnt stopping the spread of AIDS.

    Research shoes that antiretroviral therapy is highly effective at preventing sexual transmission of HIV from an HIV positive person to a non HIV positive person.