Hitler's Rise to Power

By cbob
  • Hitler's birth

    Hitler's birth
    Hitler was born April 20 1889. His parents were Alois and Klara Hitler. He was born in Braunau am Inn, Austria. He had four brothers and three sisters.
  • Hitler Becomes Intrested in Antisemitism

    Hitler Becomes Intrested in Antisemitism
    In 1907 Hitler became intrested in the Pan-German teachings of Professor Leopold Poetsch. In September of 1907 Hitler took an entrance exam to Vienna "where Professor Leopold Poetsch worked." On October 1 and 2 of 1907 Hitler failed his second exam.
  • League of Nations.

    League of Nations.
    In April of 1919 the league of nations was founded in order to create piece between coutries.
  • Period: to

    Hitler participates in Propaganda training

    From June 5 to July 5 of 1919 Hitler participated in propaganda training.
  • Hitler Joins the Nazi Party

    Hitler Joins the Nazi Party
    In late 1919 Hitler joined a small political party called the Nazi Party. He was member 555 and he quickly gained the respect of the other people with in the party. With in the next two years he begame the leader of the Nazi Party.
  • Hitler Becomes leader of Nazi Party

    Hitler Becomes leader of Nazi Party
    In June of 1921 Hitler becomes the leader of the Nazi Party
  • Germany joins League of Nations

    Germany joins League of Nations
  • Wall Street Crashes

    Wall Street Crashes
    In 1929 the Wall Street stock market chrashes starting the great depression. In Germany this leads to skeptisism in the goverment and making way for right and left wing radicals.
  • Germans elect Nazis

    Germans elect Nazis
    Germans elect the Nazis making them the second biggest party in Germany.
  • Hitler becomes Chancelor of Germany

    Hitler becomes Chancelor of Germany
    On January 1933 Hitler was appointed the Chancelor of Germany. This was a big leap for the Nazis.
  • First Concentration Camp

    First Concentration Camp
    The first concentration camp was opened at Oranienburg outside of Berlin. It's name was Dachau concentration camp.
  • Germany leaves the League of Nations

    Germany leaves the League of Nations
  • Germany and Italy alience

    Nazis sign "pack of steal" with Italy.
  • Germans surrender

  • Hitler Commits suicide