Hitler's Rise to Power

By pamkan
  • Reichstag building set on fire

  • Reichstag passes "For the Protection of People and State" decree, suspending civil liberties

  • Enabling Act passed in Reichstag

  • Hermann Goring warns Jews to stop aid efforts for German Jews

  • Madison Square Garden demostration

  • Hitler announces official Jewish boycott

  • Legal action against Jews officialy begins

  • "Law for the Restoration of the Proffesional Civil Service" passed

  • ban on Jewish ritual slaughter passed

  • Nazis burn fifty thousand books- mostly Jewish. They are beginning intellectual cencorship

  • Law for the Repeal of Naturalization passed

  • Vatican and German government sign the Concordat

  • Nazi Party gains complete control of Reichstag

  • Nazis pass "Law Concerning the Reconstruction of the Reich"

  • "The Night of Long Knives" - Nazis arrested and murdered political opponents

  • Nuremberg Laws passed

  • hitler appoints hermann goring to oversee "four year plan"

  • Germany invades the Rhineland

  • Kristallnacht

  • Jewish children are prohibited from attending German school

  • Jews barred from attending university