Germans boycott Jewish shops, lawyers and doctors. -
Period: to
Hitlers Persecution of the JEws
Nuremberg Laws
The Nuremberg laws were established and enforced. -
Only people that looked like they were from the Aryan race were allowed to own businesses forcing Jews to give away their businesses to the German. -
The Munich synagogue and the Great synagogue were destoryed by the Nazi on the Jewish Holday of Sukkot. -
Crystal NIght
German attack Jewish people and their homes becasue a young Jewish boy killed a Nazi official. More that 20,000 Jews were imprisoned. -
All Jewish children are banned from school. -
Slave Labor
Jews are sent to concentration camps wich have you do mainly pointless work that is very humiluating. The SS do not supply you with proper clothing, food or equiptment. -
All Jewish people that live in a territory that is ruled by Germany must be sent to concentration camps. -
Yellow Badge
Jews were forced to wear the Star of David of their clothing also known as the "yellow badge" or "yellow patch." -
The SS begin to gass the people in the concentration camp including men, women and children with chemically manufactured carbon monoxide gas. -
Hitler publically announces that he is going to kill all Jews. -
The Russiansn liberate the Auschwits concentration camp wich is the largest and most complex camp consisting of 3 sections right off of the German/ Polish border.