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Hitler's timeline

  • Birth

    Hitler was born in Austria
  • WW1

    He joined voluntarily in the bavarian army. Later, it was recognized that his join to the army was an administrative error, because he should had been returned to Austria as an Austrian citizen.
  • Jewish question

    Jewish question
    He made his first written statement known as the Jewish question, in which he argues that the government's objetive, the total elimination of jews has to be unwavering.
  • German Worker's party

    German Worker's party
    He joined this party, which was the percusor of the Nazi Party, and was appointed lider two years later.
  • Hitler's arrest

    He was arrested after trying to get the government power in a failed hit at munich, with a 5 years sentence. He was realased in 1924 and gained popular power by attacking the Treaty of Versailles and promoting Pan-Germanism.
  • Period: to

    Dictator of Germany

    Hitler became dictator in Germany. He reached power as Leader of the Nazi party, becoming chancellor in 1933 and obtaining the "Führer" or "Fury" title in 1934. His first six years in power resulted in a rapid economic recovery from the Great Depression.
  • Enabling act

    Enabling act
    Reichstag approved the Enabling act of 1933. Hitler's objective was to exterminate Jews and to establish a new order.
  • WW2

    Declared the Second World War in Europe, after invading Poland during his dictatorship.
  • The Holocaust

    The Holocaust
    Hitler decided that the Jews and Slavs were enemies and undesirables, and had to be murdered.
  • His death

    His death
    He married his lover "Eva Braun" in the "Führerbunker" of Berlin, and two years later, they both committed suicide to avoid capture by the Red Army.