Adolf Hitler is born.
Hitler moves from Austria-Hungary to Germany
World War I Begins-Hitler enlists and becomes a German runner for the Western front.
World War I Ends-Hitler joins the German Workers' Party
Hitler and his party attempt to overthrow the Bavarian government.
Adolf is thrown into jail for 9 months. In the meantime, he writes a book, called "My Struggle" -
Hitler and the Workers' Party win 107 seates in the German government.
The Party grows much power over the German government. -
Hitler becomes Vice President, and shortly afterwards Persident and Fuhrer of Germany.
Hitler and the German Army invade Austria
Germany invades Norway, Denmark, France, Holland, and Belgium.
The Allies enter France and begin taking back Europe against the Axis.
Berlin falls from German occupation. Hitler's comppound is surrounded.
Adolf Hitler and Eva Bruan, his newly wed wife, commit suicide together.