Hitler's early life

  • Hitler's Birth

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    Hitler's Boyhood

  • Hitler's Father's Death

  • Hitler Droped Out of School

    He failed all classes but P.E which played a part in his plan for education
  • Hitler Failed His Art Exam

    After this he came along the writings of Guido von List and others which started his concept of a superior Aryan
  • Hitler's Mother Dies

    After this he came along the writings of Guido von List and others which started his concept of a superior Aryan
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    Hitler Failed to Sell Paintings in Vienna

    Hitler Failed to Sell Paintings in Vienna
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    Hitler is homeless in Vienna

    Hitler is homeless in Vienna
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    Hitler in WWI

  • War Ends with German Defeat

  • Hitler Joins German Workers Party

  • Nazi Party is Formed

  • Hitler Named Leader of Nazi Party

  • Hitler Is Sent To Prison

    He is sent to prison for Leading The Beer Hall Putsch
  • The Beer Hall Putsch

  • Hitler Wrote Mein Kampf

    The book told of his struggle
  • Hitler On Trial For Treason

  • Greate Depression Begins

  • Germans Elect Nazis

  • Succsess and a Suicide

  • Hitler Runs For President

  • Hitler Named Chancellor of Germany

  • Hitler Becomes Dictator of Germay