The Enabling Act
This bill gave the Chancellor, Hitler, and his cabinet the authority to issue new laws-even laws that contradicted the constitution. To pass, the act needed a two-thirds majority vote, and Hitler resorted to extreme measures to ensure sucess. Opposition member were arrested or threatened and frightened into cooperation while many empty promises convinced The Center Party. This Bill granted him supreme power. The Nazi's had finally gained total control of Germany. -
The first major legal act against the jews began. Guards barricaded Jewish buisnesses and offices, which were marked with jewish stars and the word jude. No customers were allowed to enter without suffering harassment from the officers. While it only lasted the day, it was a sign of things to come. The passivity of the german public and particularly the church proved to hitler that he could count on their silence in the face of anti-Jewish persecution. -
Nazi's launched an intensive censorship campaign to silence any ideas they believed could undermine Nazi ideology. The Nazi's censored newspapers, radio and books. In an effort to maintain popular support for an increasingly restrictive government, the Nazi's worked hard on stabalizing th economy and raising the standard of living, Over the years, industrial production rose and unemployment fell drastically, gathering siginificant support for hitler in the process. -
Social "Cleansing"
Hitler also had to deal with social institutions that could potentially undermine his authority and vision for germany. Hitler soon nazified the medical and educational system by removing all those who opposed or did not actively support Nazi ideology. This idea of cleansing spread to the most mundane aspects of german life: sports and social clubs, political pressure groups, and womens organizations were all purged of any anti-Nazi members. -
Period: to
Propaganda is an essential tool of dictatorships. Hitler was a skilled propagandist who had studied techniques of public manipulation and employed them in his campaign to control germany. when the Nazi's rose to power, their agenda for germany and for the Jews required public support. To win the masses, they engaged in a propaganda onslaught, disseminating skewed messages to seduce every German to accept Nazi dogma. Propaganda sufficiently numbed many german minds to serve the regime. -
Local Domination
Realizing the Influence of certain institutions, Hitler also sytematically subdued churches, labor unions, and municipal governments throughout the country. They passed the "law concerning the reconstruction of the reich", which dissolved all the german states governments, effectively abolishing their autonomy and subordinating them to the reich's authority. With the dissolution of the labor unions and the elimination of all political opponents, Hitler hadcomplete power overformally demo.Germany -
The Night Of Long Knives
To consolidate his political gains, Hitler required the support of the military. when Hitler heard of competition posed by the SA militia, Hitler acted. The SA posed a great threat to the army, whose support Hitler needed, and to the Nazi government itself. The SA had to go. In what became known as The Night Of Long Knives, all of the SA's top leaders were killed. The SA was now inferior to the now more powerful SS. -
The Nuremberg Laws
They officially classified Jews as racial, as opposed to a social or religious group, which rendered escape from the group impossible. neither conversion nor conformity would help them; they were doomed. In one stroke, all of the jews' attempts at assimilation unraveled. they were now a separate and reviled group. -
Also known as the night of broken glass-By the end of the rampage, gangs of Nazi storm troopers had destroyed 7,000 Jewish businesses, set fire to more than 900 synagogues, killed 91 Jews & deported some 30,000 Jewish men to concentration camps. It was far more than that. It transformed Germany's persecution of jews from legal oppresion to willful & systematic violence. It started legalized public brutality as well as intensified discrimination & tragic defilement of jewish sanctuaries &property -
Dominant political force
The Nazi's completly controlled the german government. They had sucessfully repressed all political opposition, and they had nazified all social, educational, medical, and economic institutions. He was the dictator of Germany with the overwhelming support of the public. He won this approval thanks to the Propaganda efforts, and to the method of enforcing obedience through violence & censorship. A good economy furthur strengthened their popular backing.