The Start of the Nazis
The Nazis emerged during the Weimar Republic. They were known as the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. The Nazis were a minor political party. -
Hitler Assumes Control of Nazis
Hitler attended the first meeting of the Nazis in September of 1919 as a spy for the army. Two years later, he declared himself the absolute leader. He blamed all the problems of the German state on everyone but the Nazis. -
Nazis Gain Support When Hitler is Arrested
After Hitler got out of prison in 1924, he said the Nazis would no longer be a part of democracy but destroy it instead. The Nazis were supported by the middle-class, however, did not have a n=big appeal to the rest of the population because the economy was booming. -
The Great Depression
The Weimar Republic did not act appropriately to help people in need during the Great Depression. This led people to support radical ideas, like the ideas of the Nazis. Thus, the Nazis gained more control. -
The Chancellor Deal
In the beginning, President Hindenburg did not want to give the chancellorship to Hitler. However, he had support from a politician named Franz Von Papen. Papen thought that advisors could control his radicalness while the used the votes from the supporter of the Nazis. Therefore, Hitler became Chancellor. -
The Reichstag Fire
No one knows who started the fire to this day. However, Hitler convinced Hindenburg to declare a state of emergency and invoke some laws that controlled citizens' personal freedoms. This is how Hitler was able to gain more control by muting his political opponents. -
The Enabling Act
The Enabling Act was used by the Nazis to gain even more control in the country. The Act made it so the Nazis could govern by bypassing the constitution. The Nazis, however, rigged the vote by arresting people of opposing parties and intimidating others to vote their way. -
Concentration Camps
Concentration camps, when they first opened, were used by Hitler to eliminate all political opponents. This made it easier for him to assume control of the government after Hindenburg died on August 2nd, 1934. -
Hindenburg's Death
After Hindenburg died on August 2nd, 1934, Hitler assumed full control of Germany. He acted as head of state, government, and armed forces. It is said the 9 out of 10 people in Germany agreed with this, however, some think it was rigged. -
In 1935, Hitler brought back the draft for the army. The next year he put in place a four-year plan. This aimed to build the nation's military. By 1939, there were 900,000 soldiers, 8,000 aircraft and 95 ships. -
Anschluss-Austrian Takeover
In Austria, a Nazi party had also formed, The Chancellor of Austria did not like this. But Hitler said if they didn't give power to the Nazis in Austria, he would invade. The Chancellor refused. The next day Hitler put Austria under Nazi control. -
Czechoslovakia and the Munich Agreement
There was a lot of German speaker in Czechoslovakia and he said that he wanted control of Czechoslovakia. The British didn't like that so they compromised. The Nazis were able to control until Sudetenland but no longer than that into Czechoslovakia.