mision San Juan Capistrano
was established within this valley. this santa ana valley comtrised most of what is now called Orange Country. -
Mexican Independence
in 1810 year of the commencement of the war of Mexican Indepence (1810, 1821) Jose Antonio Yorba -
Alta California
Alta California became part of the U.S.A and American settler arrived in this area -
spurgeon on land obtain from the descendents of Jose Antonio Yorba -
Orange Country
Santa Ana was incorporate as a city in 1886 with a population of 2000 and 1889 beome the seat of the newly formed Orange Country -
Pacific Electric Railway
from Los Angeles was extended to Santa Ana running around four street downtown -
Glenn L. Martin aviation company
Santa ana was the home of the original Glenn L. Martin aviation conpany founded in 1912before merging with the wright company in 1916 -
Santa Ana Freeway
increasing the ease of travel by autobile -
Downtown area
Santa Ana has been characterized by an effort to revitalize the downtown area which had declined in influence -
Mainplace mall
was apened north of downtown and became major retail center of the area