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history words

  • john trumbull sr

    american revolutionary leader and govner for conneticut
  • john witherspoon

    founder of princeton university and american rev. leader and educator.
  • alex de tocqueville and five principles

    french historian created 5 principles
    Liberty- free will
    believing all people are equal
    individualism- having freedom for each individual
    populism- giving "regular" people power
    laissez-faire-gov. interuptting the free market
  • charles carroll

    early advocate of the independence from Great Britian
  • Benjamin Rush

    physician and american revolutionary leader
  • john jay

    american statesman, one of the founding fathers of america and signed the treaty of paris.
  • john peter muhlenberg

    an american clergyman, continential army soldier during the american war
  • declaration of independence

    written by thomas jefferson, declared independence for the US from britian
  • john hancock

    signed the dec of independence and wrote his name EXTREMLEY big so that the king didnt have to read his glasses when reading it.
  • e plubris unum

    the motto of the US meaning one. or out of many
  • u.s constitution

    document that embodies the laws and principals by the United States
  • eminent domain

    the right of the gov to look at private property for public use ONLY with pay.
  • bill of rights

    the first ten ammendments in the constitution
  • fifth ammendment

    you dont have to speak in court and you can remain silent
  • in god we trust

    official motto of the US....