Small Major Events History Unit Four Timeline

  • The Start of the Red Scare

    Vladimir I. Lenin and his followers the Bolsheviks establish a communist state fueling the Red Scare.
  • 18th Amendment

    Launched the Prohibition era, influencing a boost in organized crime.
  • The Palmer Raids

    Raids and violence towards communists, socialists, and anarchists.
  • The Harlem Renaissance

    A civil rights movement fueled by literature, music, and dancing.
  • Ku Klux Klan (KKK)

    The KKK makes a comeback opposing blacks, Catholics, Jews, immigrants, unions, and saloons gaining 4.5 million members in 1924.
  • Native Americans

    Native Americans Receive Full Citizenship
  • Tennessee passes law making it a crime to teach evolution

    This contributed to the Scopes Trials.
  • Election of 1928

    Herbert Hoover wins the election of 1928
  • Black Tuesday

    The stock market crashes.
  • The Dust Bowl

    Causes many farmers to have to migrate to Pacific coast states.
  • New President

    Franklin D. Roosevelt Becomes President