History Timline

  • 1494

    Italian wars

    Italian wars
    King Charles of France invaded Italy. The wars ended in 1599
  • 1517

    Martin Luther writes 95 theses

    Martin Luther writes 95 theses
    Martin Luther wrote this to go against the product merchants. this began the start of reformation
  • 1521

    Edict of Worms

    Edict of Worms
    the edict of worms declared Martin Luther an outlaw because he went against the teachings of the church.
  • 1524

    peasants war

    peasants war
    the peasants were mad about high taxes and not having a lot of power so thousands of German peasants attacked monasteries and castles
  • 1531

    swiss civil war

    swiss civil war
    war between Swiss Protestants and catholics. this is when Zwingli died and John Calvin came to power
  • 1531

    Swiss civil war

    Swiss protestants and catholics broke out
  • 1533

    anabaptists settle in munster

    the anabaptists were being persecuted by the Protestants so they fled to munster Germany
  • 1534

    Act of supremacy In england

    Act of supremacy In england
    states that Henry the 8th is the head of the England church
  • 1535

    Thomas Moore executed

    he was killed because he was guilty of treason, and did not accept the oath
  • 1536

    John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion

    John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion
    a book written about god, salvation, and human nature. the religion based on this its called calvinism
  • 1540

    jesuit order founded

    religious order for the society of Jesus
  • 1555

    Peace of Ausburg

    Peace of Ausburg
    this religious settlement said that each ruler could choose the relgion of there state
  • 1559

    Reign of Elizabeth I

    Reign of Elizabeth I
    she rule the Anglican Church of England
  • 1560

    Scotland Becomes Calvinist

    Scotland Becomes Calvinist
    John Knox brought John Calvins ideas to Scotland by leading prostentent nobles and having them make that the official religion of Scotland