First 105 Colonists sent by the London Company arrive in England
Colonists founded Jamestown
John Smith took control of Jamestown and build a fort
More colonists arrive
60 Colonists are the only ones alive
Mayflower left England
Samoset goes to colonist settlement
41 male passengers aboard mayflower sign mayflower compact
Colonists kill Powhatan leader
English crown canceled the company’s charter
A fleet of ships carrying Puritan colonist left England.
Charles issued a charter to Calvert’s son.
A group of 200 English Catholics came to Maryland.
Thomas Hooker left Massachusetts to find Connecticut.
Hooker wrote Fundamental Orders of Connecticut.
Protestants begin moving to Maryland
General Court became a two-house legislature.
General Courts of Massachusetts issued an order that a school be founded in every township of 50 families.
Charles II gave much of the land between Virginia and Spanish Florida.
English captured the undefended colony of New Amsterdam
English Conquest began
King Charles II granted charter to William Penn to begin a colony west of New Jersey
Duke Of York sold Penn a region to the south of PennsylvaniaDuke Of York sold Penn a region to the south of Pennsylvania
James II became king of England
James II united the northern colonies under one government
King James passed the English Bill of Rights
Community conflicts in New England involved witchcraft trials.
Enslaved Africans became the main source of labor.
Trade restrictions continued
English merchants were trading around the world.
Revolutions in both religious and non religious thought transformed western world.
Enlighten movement was put into affect.
Carolina split into North and South Carolina
Proprietary government was overthrown
Crown purchased North and South America.
20,000 enslaved Africans were living in South Carolina
Ministers began holding revivals.
The Great Awakening began
King George II granted a charter to Oglethorpe
Oglethorpe founded the city of Savannah.
Officials arrested John Peter Zenger for printing false statements.
Molasses Act put into affect.
British government made Georgia a royal colony
Fighting erupted with the British military.
Washington was defeated.
Fighting began in Europe, leading up to the Seven Year’s War.
Pontiac’s Rebellion began.
Britain and France signed the Treaty of Paris.