History timeline

  • Jim Crow laws

    They had rules where black and white people were sperated in public places
  • Plessy v Ferguson

    To have seperated places for black and white people
  • Brown v board of ED

    A law where schools should not seperate by race
  • Period: to

    Montgomery Bus Boycott

  • Little Rock 9

    NIne black students that went to shool only for white kids
  • Period: to

    Freedom rides

    People rode buses to fight over unfair bus rules
  • March on washington

    When Martin Luther King Jr. gave his speech it was a big protest
  • Freedom Summer

    When people stopped riding buses to protest
  • 24th Admendment

    It stopped people of having to pay to vote
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    the law that stop alll the unfair treatment with race and color.
  • Voting Rights of act of 1965

    Made it easier for black people to vote