History timeline

  • Why my parents came to Canada

    My parents wanted to come to Canada because they want better oppurtunities/chances for Jobs since there homecountry{which is guyana} didn't have many open jobs. The only common job that is open is a teacher but they the requirements for it so they moved to Canada instead. They also can to canada because some of there family member's moved to canada.
  • My birthday

    My birthday
    I was born on January 5 2002. I was raised in Toronto with my family members. My family consists of my dad, my mom, my aunt. my 2 sister's and my grandma.
  • My Sister's birthday

    My Sister's birthday
    My sister was born on May 10 2003 and I was happy because I wanted a sibling to play with and to get along with. I was also happy because I was going to be the oldest one and that I wouldn't get bossed around with my sister.
  • My parent's wedding

    When I was born I was 1 year old and my sister was 7 or 8 months old. My parent's we're married on November 15 2003.
  • Why i moved to Brampton

    Why i moved to Brampton
    My family moved to Brampton because my mom and dad workplaces are far away from our previous home[Our previous house was in Toronto]. We also moved because our house was infested with insects like ants, cockroaches and other insects. When I moved I wasn't all that happy because I had to leave my friends and when I went to James potter {my new school} I wasn't use to the surrondings. But I was glad because I met navin and I got to know him and then we were good friends,
  • My baby sister's birthday

    My baby sister's birthday
    I was happy that I was going to have a sister... again because she
    would be fun to play with. She would play with me and we have alot of fun.
  • The Lac Megantic train accident

    The lac Megantic train accident is really tragic because I think it's really sad how 47 people died in the incident. The accident almost destroyed the city. It destroyed more then 30 buildings. Also what's really interseting is that if anyone talks bad about the people's that died would be arrested which is very interesting.
  • Gr.6 First day of school

    Gr.6 First day of school
    When I came to Huttonville I didn't know where anything was so I was lost. After that I asked the teacher how do I find my class and the teacher said to look at the sheets on the walls and then you would find your class. When I found my class some of my friends were in the same class as me and i was happy because I knew that I would be able to hang out with them and to socialize with them.
  • The winter Oylimpics

    The winter Oylimpics is important because it's when people around the world come and compete against each other for medals. The more medal's you have is the more honour you have...?
  • Gr.7 First day of school

    The first day of school wasn;t easy because I couldn't adjust to the new changes around the class room. I'm glad that I reconized some of my friends in class because if I didn't I wouldn't know what I would do. Then I met my teacher Ms. Nixion and she was the nicest teacher ever and after a week I got used to everything in the classroom.
  • Canada Day

    Canada Day
    I like Canada day because its when all families in Canada come
    and celebrate Canada's birthday and to have fun. I like the airshowes the most because I love it when they make loop de loops. I also like the preformences on the stage because it showes how different people have different acts for Canada. I also love how Canada is a multi-cultural place for any race.
  • Firstday of Gr. 8

    Firstday of Gr. 8
    THe first day of school was the best day ever because when I finding my class I found out who was going to be in my class and abdullah and navin were in my class which was awesome because I knew both of them very good and they knew me too.Everything was a blast but after 19 days i was reorged into a new class At first I was sad because abdullah and navin we're not reorged it was just me and a few more students. When I went to my new class i founded out that Taranvir was in my class and i happy.
  • Thanksgiving

    This was the first thanksgiving that my family had but with our cousin's and aunts and others. When we have thanksgiving we usally have it as a family and noth with our other friends and family members.
  • New Prime Minister

    New Prime Minister
    This day is important because Justin trudeau will be managing mostly everything. It's important because it decides who will be governing Canada. The prime minister decides what's his plan and decides what his workers/followers do.
  • Rememberance day

    Rememberance day
    Rememberance day is a important day because it's when we remember all of the soldiers who fought for our country. Remeberance day also recalled the battles of World war 1. The colour of the poppy is meant for spilled blood from the soliders.