History Timeline

  • Apr 30, 1455

    Printing press made the bible

    Printing press made the bible
    The printing press being made was a very important part of European history because it helped information be spread faster. This helped spread information about religion, war, and important information. It was important that the bible was printed so people could read it and believe in it. It also helped that because the bible was being printed, the literacy rate went up.
  • Period: Mar 16, 1460 to Jul 1, 1524

    Vasco da Gama

    Vasco de Gama was a sailor for Portugal and was the first to round the cape of good hope. He made it to India and brought back a lot of money even though he lost a ship on the way back.
  • Period: Jun 17, 1480 to Apr 27, 1521

    Ferdinand Magellan

    Ferdinand Magellan was an explorer who discovered a spice route. He stopped at ports in Africa and sailed across the Atlantic to get to India. He died before his journey was successful and never made it to India.
  • Mar 22, 1488

    Bartolomeu Dias finds cape of good hope

    Bartolomeu Dias finds cape of good hope
    Bartholomeu Diaz found a cape of good hope while looking for a way to get around Africa. It was first known as the Cape of Storms because it was so dangerous, but because the Portuguese wanted to be the first to make a profit from the spice islands, they renamed it so more sailors would go around.
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Columbus Voyage

    Columbus Voyage
    Christopher Columbus was an explorer who is known for discovering America. He in fact did not discover America, but instead Panama. He discovered Panama when he was trying to sail to India and went west instead of east.
  • Oct 20, 1492

    Colombian Exchange

    Colombian Exchange
    The Columbian Exchange was the transfer of plants, animals, gold, culture, diseases, and ideas.
  • Jun 7, 1494

    Treaty of Tordesillas

    Treaty of Tordesillas
    The treaty was established because Portugal and Spain were conflicting and the problems needed to stop. The line of demarcation was one of the factors in the treaty which said anything west of Europe was for Portugal and anything east was for Spain. This treaty worked well for a long amount of time and made the countries sufficiently happy.
  • May 28, 1498

    First Spice profit

    First Spice profit
    The first spice profit for the countries in the spice trade was in 1498. This was a big accomplishment because countries realized that they had to step up their game in order to compete and be the richest country in the world.
  • Jan 5, 1503

    Leonardo De Vinci painted the mona lisa

    Leonardo De Vinci painted the mona lisa
    Leonardo de Vinci painting the Mona Lisa was very important in its time period because that was a major point in the renaissance. The renaissance expressed people to be themselves and start going out of their comfort zone. Leonardo made a huge impact on renaissance art.
  • Period: Jun 30, 1508 to Apr 2, 1512

    Michelangelo Paints the sistine chapel

    Michelangelo painting the sistine chapel is also a major development in the renaissance. He showed people that it was okay to go out of their comfort zones.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Luther posted 95 Theses

    Luther posted 95 Theses
    Luther posted his 95 theses which was a list of everything he thought the catholic church was doing wrong. He posted this before all saints day which was the day the church would be most crowded.
  • Aug 21, 1519

    John Calvin creates Calvinism

    John Calvin creates Calvinism
    Calvinism is a branch of Protestantism that follows some similar traditions and forms of Catholicism. It was created by John Calvin. It emphasizes that every action is predetermined.
  • Period: Oct 23, 1520 to Sep 21, 1556

    Charles V reign

    Charles V was a Holy Roman emperor and he owned 20% of the world. He was a very respected person and was very successful. Although his success was important, he went through some rough times and eventually left the throne. 23 October 1520
  • Period: May 22, 1521 to Aug 13, 1521

    Battle of Tenochtitlán

    Battle of Tenochtitlán was a war between the Aztecs the Spanish. Spanish conquistadores led by Hernán Cortés who allied with local tribes to take over the Aztec city.
  • Jun 2, 1534

    Henry VIII leaves Catholicism

    Henry VIII leaves Catholicism
    In 1534, Henry the VIII left catholicism and created Anglicanism. This is a new religion similar to Catholicism but interprets the bible differently.
  • Period: Jul 20, 1553 to Nov 17, 1558

    Mary Tudor Reign

    Mary Tudor reigned after Henry and his son Edward. Instead of being Anglican, she was catholic and went on a reign of terror. She said that all Anglicans had to either be burned alive or leave the country. In her reign, she killed approximately 284 protestants.
  • Period: Jan 15, 1558 to

    Elizabeth I reign

    Elizabeth's reign was after marys and she was Anglican. Although most Anglicans had converted to catholicism, she made Anglicanism the state religion once more. Although Catholicism was not the religion she chose or preferred, she made a compromise with the Catholics which was called the Elizabethan Compromise. She also had defeated the Spanish Armada and saved England from invasion.
  • Feb 5, 1559

    Elizabethan Compromise

    Elizabethan Compromise
    The Elizabethan compromise was to say that the state religion was Anglicanism but that Catholics could practice in England without having to sneak out. This was the first example of religious tolerance and made a large impact on England's view of religion.
  • Period: Mar 20, 1562 to

    France has 7 civil wars about religion

    These were called the 7 wars of religion between the Huguenots and the Catholics, each fighting because they were not happy with the rights they were given.
  • Period: Oct 17, 1565 to

    Henry Hudson

    Henry Hudson was an important explorer because he discovered the Hudson River in new york. He sailed down it and explored through New york.
  • Aug 24, 1572

    Bartholomew's day massacre

    Bartholomew's day massacre
    A massacre between the Huguenots and the Catholics and over 70,000 civilians were killed.
  • Jun 30, 1577

    England hires Francis Drake

    England hires Francis Drake
    England hired Francis drake as a privateer in 1577. He would spy on the Spanish and he delayed the armada. Elizabeth made him the captain of the English navy during the attack
  • King Philip sends the Spanish Armada

    King Philip sends the Spanish Armada
    King Philip sent the Spanish Armada to attack England. The point of the armada was to pick up soldiers in the Netherlands and transport them to England. The important part of this plan was that Spain knew that they could not defeat England's navy so they wanted to go for their land soldiers.
  • Period: to

    Dutch East India company

    The Dutch East India Company was a company run by the Netherlands. It shipped spices all over the world and lots of the profits went to The Netherlands and India. The company was the most successful for many years and still is now.
  • Petition of right was established

    Petition of right was established
    The petition of right was established so Charles I could not avoid Parliament any longer. Parlement made it so there could be no more purgative courts and that the king could not believe in divine right.
  • Period: to

    Louis XIV reign

    Louis XIV's reign was important because he was not like most kings. He got rid of all the nobles' rights and took away a lot of leadership in the country of England. He established his “base” in a mansion which he called Versaille. He was the ruler and had everyone in his palace on a specific schedule. He took away all of the power of any Anglicans.
  • Root and Branch was established

    The Root and Branch agreement was decided after the petition of right after Charles I was not assembling parliament. The root and branch said that parliament could assemble and dissolve itself after and they would have to meet every 3 years.
  • Period: to

    English civil war

    The English civil war was between the cavaliers and the roundheads. The cavaliers supported king Charles and the roundheads parliament. The war began after king Charles invaded parliament with an army. The roundheads won the war and King Charles I was beheaded.
  • Period: to

    English Commonwealth

    The commonwealth was after the civil war and it was a republic run by Oliver Cromwell. It eventually turned into more of a dictatorship but then it fell apart and Parlement realized they needed their monarchy.
  • Period: to

    Glorious Revolution

    James I was a Catholic king and the people of England were scared because they were Anglican. They were worried that there would be another incident like Bloody Mary. Instead, parliament called on the Netherlands to invade their country. After no one came to fight the “battle” King James was forced to exile himself and William and Mary became the king and queen.