History Timeline

  • Jan 1, 793

    Vikings invade England. They attack the library and monastery of Lindisfarne

    This was not the first time Vikings invaded England, but it was significant as they attacked a place considered to be the most sacred and holy in Britain at the time.
  • Jan 1, 794

    Vikings attack sites in modern day Scotland

    The first time they invaded Scotland. They also destroyed another holy island.
  • Jan 1, 861

    Vikings discover Iceland

    The Vikings were some of the first, if not the first, to settle in Iceland, and it was also the first distant country they settled in.
  • Jan 1, 866

    Vikings from Denmark establish a kingdom in York, England

    The start of the Viking attempt at taking over England.
  • Jan 1, 870

    The Vikings colonise Iceland

    They settle in the country they discovered 9 years ago. Iceland is quite a distant country and is where a lot of Vikings ended up living.
  • Jan 1, 871

    Alfred the Great defeats the viking army and becomes king of Wessex

    Alfred the Great halted the Viking conquest of England, and halted their streak of success.
  • Jan 1, 876

    Norwegian, Dane and Swedish Vikings permanently settle in England

    Vikings started to treat England like home, instead of just something they were trying to take over.
  • Jan 1, 886

    Alfred the Great divides England, giving one half to the VIkings and one half for his own kingdom.

    Instead of trying to fight the Vikings, Alfred the Great tries to make peace by simply giving them half of his country.
  • Jan 1, 900

    Vikings invade sites along the mediterannean

    The vikings expansion continues. The mediterranean was also quite important for trade.
  • Jan 1, 950

    The Vikings invade Wales

    Vikings start to take over even more of Britain
  • Jan 1, 980

    Greenland is discovered by the Viking Erik the Red

    Erik the Red was exiled from Iceland for 3 years for murder, and sailed west. He discovered Greenland, and called it Greenland so more people would move there. He managed to convince lots of Vikings to move to Greenland.
  • Jan 1, 1000

    Leif Eriksson discovers North America

    Long before Christopher Columbus, Erik the Red’s son, Leif Eriksson, reached Newfoundland and Labrador in North America. Considering they only had ships, and if you go back far enough they originated in Norway, Sweden and Denmark, this is a long way to travel in only a few hundred years.
  • Jan 1, 1066

    Anglo Saxons defeat Vikings at battle of Stamford Bridge

    The Vikings attempt to expand their empire, but instead are defeated and their King killed. This was the end of the Vikings.