
History Timeline: Danny Keyes

  • U.S.A begins, Decleration of Independence

    U.S.A begins, Decleration of Independence
    Decleration of Independence is signed and a new america begins.
  • 3/5 Compomise

    3/5 comrpomise is a Comromise between The Northern States and Southern States. It accured Durring the Philidalphea Convention.
    It was the Great decision of Taxes and the United States Representitives. It started Slavery, The laws of poseesion of Slaves.
  • Doctrine of nullification

    John C. Calhoun, (Jackson’s vice president) wrote the South Carolina Exposition and Protest to protest the Tariff.
    "the idea that a state has the right to reject federal law,"
    Basically the state can vote on which rules should be considered and which rules
  • Constitution

    Constitution is the surpreme law of the United States of America. The First couple represent the rules and state powers. The last four state the federlism and its Characteristics.
    It was adopted on Sepetember 17 1887, by the constitutional in Philidalphia, Pennsylvania. Ratifyed by the eleven states. On March 4th 1789, it went into full effect.
  • Nationalism

    Nationalism is basic rights. It states that people's rights in there nation.
    Nationalism became a big part of the American and French Revolutions.
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    The Bill of Rights, It states people's rights and liberty. Its a collective for the first Ten ammendments. It guarentee's peoples freedom, and governments power in judicial cases. It plays a big role in American law, It is clear about freedoms and culture of our Nation.
    How it started; On September 25, 1789, the First Congress of the United States proposed to the state legislatures twelve ammendments. Articles 3 to 12, however, ratified by three fourths of the state legislatures.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    A Machine that seperates cotton from it's seeds and fibers. Used to help make clothes. A Machie used to make cotton clothable. Cotton after the machine is ready to be made into thread and gets sewed to make clothes.
    Eli whitey invented this machine. It instantly selled back in 1794. Cosidering that seperating fibers took hours and hard work for farmers. Eli's machine can produce about fifty whole punds of clean cotton each day.
  • Louisianna Purchase

    Greatest Real estate Deal in History, The Louisianna purchase had to be bought by america, The french currently owned Louisiana.
    The Americans wanted to Buy it for 15 million, (4 cents an acre) And they did. It doubled the space in the United states and opened up more of it West Continent.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution, England had a famous Cotton spinning machines. Americans wanted it too. Someone who knew how to make the machine disguised himself and Came over to America. The Industrial Revolution bagan.
    As He suceeded and Builded a Factory. It also had its ups and Downs. At age 6 children started to work for more than 12 hours a day. They did not make much either. Some died of the toxins around their working environment.
  • Indian Removal act

    A Law passed By Andrew Jackson, which Means from Mississippi on over. That the Indian owned Lands need to Give it up for the Americas in exchange for bordered Lands.
    This Started quite a fuss between people. While some tribes accepted and peacefully moved along, Other tribes fought back quite a bit. Finally after winter and Fall passed the states were claimed!
  • Nat Turners Rebellion

    Nat Turner, Decided to get angry! He Hated Slavery, can't you see where this is going! Along with others, he led a rebellion.
    Nat Turners Rebellion took place by him killing white people. In Virginia August, 60 white men, 60 white women and 60 white children.
    Nat and his 16 others were captured. They were all executed and it was over. But not for others, it haunted southern whites and Random blacks were killed with ther heads put along the road to warn others.
  • Mexican American War

    The Mexican American War (Mexican War), Is the war of the ivasion from the Americans. California Republic and United States up against Mexico.
    Americans wanted to expand Texas to wre it lyes now. And Mexico considered part of Texas There territory. America didnt like that dispite Texas Revolution. So they invaded Texas/Mexico and Fought until finally US won. Mexico and US conflict ended completely after this war.
  • Underground Railroad

    The Time accured around one of americas memorable times. When slavery was still leegal in some states. Aferican American slaves were treated terrible at this time.
    Thought to the escape route for the slaves with families. The underground railroadss were used as secret routes to use to escape to some safe-houses the protesters gainst slave rights would sneek them in.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    A Bunch of bills passed in the year of 1850.The Bills consist of freeing slavery down south.The Bills passed had troue with both Democrtic and Republican's parties. They were not happy and some things were still unsolved.
    California becme a free state, Texas had to surrender to the under people from being unsatisfyed. New mexico still had slavery down in there country. But soon after while Washington slave trades were banned and slavery ended.
  • Uncle Toms Cabin

    A Famous Novel by Harriet Beacher Stowe. A Worldwide bestseller. Known to sell today as well. It was the second best book in the 19th cntury,
    About anti slavery. Featured Uncle tom obviously. Reinforced by a story when Abraham Lincoln met Stowe at the start of the Famous Civil War.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    This is in the time period of when Slavery was still trying to become no more, and illegall to own possesion of slaves. Stephen Douglass Divided the states into two territories, East and West Nebraska and Kansas, Each State Can Decide if slavery is Legal or Not.
    After the rule was Settled. Kansas broke out in huge brutal violence. It broke out because of pro-slavery and anti-slavery settelers.
  • Dredd Scott decision

    Dredd Scott decision
    a Question not determined weither it should be inforced or not. Slavery, african americans forcesd to work as slaves. People think it is terrible and should not allow it. And then others want to keep it and always have them be slaves.
    Not with Dred Scott though, He was a slave of the army surgeon John Emerson. Minnesota passed a law that slavery is no longer aloud . So Dred decided to try and spread freedom of slavery and after 11 years of trials it finally became true.
  • John Browns Raid

    John Browns Goal was to Shut down Southern Slaverny.
    SO He took 21 men over the Pontamac River to capture weapons from Virginia. He planend to use the weapons as a back up defense if it get's out of hand down South.
    The Outcome he got of this is defeat. Some people called him insane. He could of had a better chance if Douglas and Tubman had accepted his offer. He got trials for a penalty and in his Quote he said that "This was a Great Learning expierience.
  • Election of 1860

    Democrat's met in Charleston, South Carolina. Republican's met in Chicago, Illinois. They both wanted to come up with a canidate for the next Presidential election.
    DEmocrats had some other categories such as ( Northern Demo., Southern) The Northern chose Douglas to run. The Southern chose Beckinridge. Republicans Chose Abraham Lincoln. In Popular Vote Lincoln Won, in second Douglas. In electoral vote Lincoln won again and right behind him in second was Breckinridge.