Period: to
Years of Great Depression
Stock Market Crash
The Stock Market crash of 1929 is often refered to as Black Tuesday. This is the day that officially signalled that America had entered the Great Depression. -
Start of the Bank Runs
After the Crash of the Wallstreet Stock Exchange people became very uneasy about their money. The American public started litlerally running to the banks to withdraw their money. When everyone went to withdraw their the bank had to end up giving people money that wasn't theirs causing many banks to go bankrupt. -
Smoot-Hawley Tariff
The Smoot-Hawley tariff was placed by Representative Hawley and Senator Smoot. This tariff raised the taxing prices on over 20,000 goods and not only that but it brought the taxes higher than they had ever gone before. -
Richard Bedford Bennett
Bennett served as the prime minister during the toughest years of the Great Depression. He was a promising leader for the Canadians but he was not enforcing enough money into the federal system. He also icreased tariffs on people but gave them federal money in order to cope with the problem. This however was contradictory and resulted in a zero net gain. He allocated 20,000,000 men to relif programs called work camps where the men could work for money. Bennett also established the Bank of Canada -
Literature in the Depression
The period of the gret depression was very brutal on people but was very enchanting vor people that loved to write. Literature during the Great Depression was booming. People like John Steinbacker and Henry Miller just some of the great literates that reavealed their work during the Great Depression. -
Franklin Roosevelt Elected President
FDR made many bold promises to the American people during his presidential election. The most important promise that FDR made was that he would place a New Deal that was going to solve the countries economic problems. In his first 100 days of office Roosevelt innitiated the New Deal. He was such a successful president that he was elected four times throughout his political career. This is something that has been done by no other president. -
New Deal
The New Deal was a promise that FDR made to the american people in order to get elected. In his New Deal FDR made many bold moves such as giving the banks a four day national holiday so that people would stop going to them and withdrawling their money.The New Deal also started many building projects and gave many people jobs. The building projects included the construction of the Hoover Dam and the sculpting of Mount Rushmore. -
First Fireside Chat
Before there were televisions for people to recieve their news they had to listen to radios. Fireside chats were the first forms of media between the president and the citizens of America. Franklin Delanor Roosevelt explained to the American public that he had decided to close the banks for an extended period of time so that people would not be able to make bank runs. -
Economic and political Changes in Latin America
The economy of LA changed during the great depression to an new urban elite with the help of the ISI policies. The ISI policies helped to free the LA countries from their dependencies on the Western countries of the world. The LA political systems also shifted more towards authoritarianism. Military rule was dominant in Latin America at this point in time. -
Establishment of the Bank of Canada
The bank of Canada was the first centralized banking system in the history of Canada. Before itwas the central bank of Canada it was just a private banking chain, but King decided to transform it into a crown corporation that would lead the canadian banking industry. -
Social Credit League of Alberta
The social credit league of Alberta was a very promising idea to the people of Alberta. It seemed to the people that Aberhart was promising them $25 a month. This promise gave him a massive electoral victory in the Alberta election of 1935. However when Aberhart tried to bring in $25 dollars a month for the people fom the banks, the law was struck down and labeled unconstitutional. This was very hard on the people who thought that they had been fooled. -
Regina Riot
Canada was hit very hard during the Great Depression. The unemployment rose to 40% of the population of Canada. The single men were in fact hit the hardest as they were not able to get relief from the government. They men were often sent to work camps where they worked for 20 cents a day. Thus these camps were known as slave camps. This caused them to want more relief and they were walking to the capital to request a better deal when they were stopped by police at the request of the Government. -
William Lyon Mackenzie King
William King entered office and did not have a full plan to fight the great depression. He followed the British North American Act and established unemployment insurance. With the insurance it gave people hope that they wouild survive the Great Depression because if they went out of employment, it gaurenteed that they would have some money to feed their families. -
Dust Bowl
During the 1930's there were many droughts that hit the center of the United States. As the drought came farmers were still farming on the land which depleated the soil. With the soil depleted the wind started picking up the sand and soil carrying them across the country side. These giants storms of wind were called dust storms. The dust storms caused people to not be able to breath and they covered the sun for days. People got diseases called Dust pneumonia. This was caused by dust in the lungs -
Court Packing
Franklin Delanor Roosevelt was unable to pass his legislation for the new deal because most of the court was against him. Roosevelt used his presidential powers and increaed the number of court members from 9 to 15. This gave Roosevelt control over what could be passed by the court. Many people thought that this was an act of communism on the country and that it was against the constitution. -
Unionism in Canada
The principles of supply and demand in the labor market generally dictate the unionism is at its weakest during periods of recession and depression. Working people developed useful tools in order to cope with the hardships of the Great Depression. The WUL and its organisers led a number of strikes across the country between 1930 and 1940. -
Beginning of WWII
The beginning of WWII was the time that the United States had actually been brought out of the Great Depression. The US was slowly getting better troughout those years and they were doing much better financially than the beginning years of the Great Depression. -
Argentinia becomes dictatorship
When WWII accelerated the ISI policies it set the stage for the United Officers Group to take control of the Government. The group consisted of military officers ranking no higher than colonel. The UOG took control over the government and established another military dictatorship. -
Vargas Elected President
Getulio Vargas served his first few years leading Brasil as a dictator but in 1951 Vargas was elected the President of the country and served until 1954 when he committed suicide. Vargas wanted to change Brasils power stature in the world from a plantation based economy to an industrilised powerhouse. In order to do so Vargas first had to free Brasil of the Great Depression. He made attempts at this by implementing the ISI legislation which many Latin American countries used. -
Import Substitution Industrialization
Import Substitution Industrialization is the practice of using domestic industry to create products that were previously imported. The goal of the ISI is to reduce Latin Americas dependency on imported goods from other countries so that Latin America would not be impacted by the Great Depression as hard.