History large

History Timeline (Chapter 1,2,3)

  • Rupert's Land

    Rupert's Land
    Rupert's Land was a massive northern territory granted to the HBC by King Charles II of England. Rupert's Land ran from 1670-1869.
  • Period: to

    Before Confederation

  • James Cook Meets the Nuu-chah-Nulth

    James Cook Meets the Nuu-chah-Nulth
    British captain James Cook comes into contact with the Nuu-chah-nulth group.
  • North West Company Formation

    North West Company Formation
    The formation of the North West Company.
  • Lord Selkirk's first group arrived

    Lord Selkirk's first group arrived
    Selkirk's first group of about 80 Scottish settlers arrived ar York Factory, Hudson's Bay Company fur trade post.
  • Red River Settlement Founded

    Red River Settlement Founded
    Lord Selkirk was given a land called Assiniboia. Around 4000 Metis lived here in 1840.
  • Pemmican Proclamation

    Pemmican Proclamation
    Miles Macdonell issued a law called the "Pemmican Proclamation". It said, for the next year, no food could be taking from Assiniboia without a license. This affected the Metis alot because they made Pemmican to sell the fur traders for their long trips to the North-West.
  • Seven Oaks Incident

    Seven Oaks Incident
    Cuthbert Grant was a young Metis man. He took an active role in the campaign to drive settlers out of their area. Grant and a group of his Metis met the new governor near a bunch of trees called the Seven Oaks. No one agrees on who shot first but it ended up with 1 metis and 21 settlers, including Governor Semple dead.
  • North West Company Joins Hudson's Bay Company

    North West Company Joins Hudson's Bay Company
    George Simpsong was made governer of the Northern department happened and later became the governor-in-chief of Rupert's Land.
  • Fort Vancourver Became the Largest HBC fort on the Pacific Coast

    Fort Vancourver Became the Largest HBC fort on the Pacific Coast
    Furs in the Pacific region interior were transported down the Columbia River to Fort Vancouver. It became the headquarters of the Hudson's Bay Company's Columbia District.
  • Fort Langley was Built

    Fort Langley was Built
    Fort Langley was built on the Fraser River as the Pacific Nortwestern headquarters of the HBC.
  • The United Province of Canada

    The United Province of Canada
    The United Province of Canada was formed by uniting Canada West and Canada East. They were part of the same political unit, but they had a large difference in population.
  • Fort Victoria was Built

    Fort Victoria was Built
    Fort Victoria was built as a Hudson's Bay Company trading post.
  • Treaty of Washington

    Treaty of Washington
    The Treaty of Washington established the boundary between American and British territory west of the Rocky Mountains.
  • Free Trade was Introduced

    Free Trade was Introduced
    Great Britain introduced free trade, resulting in economic hard times in the colonies, especially in Atlantic Canada.
  • The British Colony of Vancouver Island

    The British Colony of Vancouver Island
    Vancouver Island became a British Colony. The mainland territory was called New Caledonia.
  • Vancouver Island Became a British Colony

    Vancouver Island Became a British Colony
    Richard Blanshard, was its first governor. In 1851 James Douglas took his place.
  • ReciprocityTreaty

    Great Britain signed this treaty with the United States. This allowed BNA colonies to trade in raw materials and agricultural products with the United States without tariffs being charged on these goods.
  • The British Colony of British Columbia

    The mainland (New Caledonia) became a British Colony.
  • Many people came to Fort Victoria

    Many people came to Fort Victoria
    450 miners arrived aboard a big ship from San Francisco, causing a lot of "change" to the Victorians.
  • Gold Rush in New Caledonia

    Gold Rush in New Caledonia
    The gold rush in New Caledonia (British Territory) starts, it brings around 30 000 people to the New Caledonia. Most of them were from the United States.
  • Caribbo Road was Completed

    Caribbo Road was Completed
    The Cariboo Road is completed and now it is easier and safer to travel to the Cariboo Region for gold.
  • Vancouver Island and British Columbia Unite

    Vancouver Island and British Columbia Unite
    In 1866, British Columbia and Vancouver Island unite under the name British Columbia. The capital was New Westminster.