This is when guns were brought back. The first gun was invented by the Chinese shortly after they invented gunpowder. At first, they were like a pipe you held and held a fuze up to it making them igniting the gunpowder.
https://www.smore.com/j82uf-firearms -
The first bank made by Medici family Patrons of the arts
The Medici family was one of the wealthiest and strongest families in Europe. They are well known for their bank powers and wealth. This will make them more wealth so they cand be patrons of arts. https://bigthink.com/mike-colagrossi/how-the-medici-family-created-and-lost-their-banking-empire -
Period: 1400 to
Daily Life/Culture of the Renaissance
Most of the music was sacred music from the catholic church. Giovanni was one musician that was famous between 1525-1594. William Bryd was another musician that was famous between 1543-1623.
https://www.musictheoryacademy.com/periods-of-music/renaissance-music/ -
Period: 1400 to
Daily Life/Culture of the Renaissance
The renaissance building had flat ceilings and Roman columns. They were square or rectangular. For the lower classes, they were mostly made out of stone and wood with a thatch roof. Upper-class houses had many paintings and other art. They also had many servants.
https://www.homeadvisor.com/r/renaissance-and-baroque-architecture/ -
The first Patrons of art
The Medici family was the first patrons of arts with the amount of money they had. This was good for the painters because the only way painters would make money was threw commission before they started the painting. https://courses.lumenlearning.com/suny-hccc-worldhistory/chapter/art-and-patronage/ -
Period: 1450 to
Daily Life/Culture of the Renaissance
Most people with power or wealth started fashion trends. Henry VIII and Elizabeth I was two that influence fashion the most. He wore stuff his shoulder with doublets, with duckbill shoes, and had his hair short and combed short. He also wore fur and jewels to show his wealth.
https://historyofeuropeanfashion.wordpress.com/category/renaissance-1450-1650/ -
Renaissance Art/Artists
This painting shows the goddess of love and beauty arriving on land. It is highly possible that the painting commission by the Medici family. This is because of the orange trees that were seen as a symbol of the Medici dynasty.
https://www.uffizi.it/en/artworks/birth-of-venus -
Renaissance Art/Artists
This is when one of Lorenzo's most popular work is started. This is when Lorenzo started the last supper. Lorenzo painted the last supper on wet plaster. https://www.pbs.org/empires/medici/renaissance/leonardo.html -
Literary Works
This is when the prince was created. It is created by Niccolo Machiavelli. It is a political treatise.
https://www.tell-a-tale.com/10-read-books-renaissance-period/ -
Renaissance Art/Artists
This statue was created by Michelangelos and Agostiono Di Duccio.
Agostino Di Duccio was the one that stared the statue. Then Michelangelos was asked by the counsels of the board to complete the unfinished statues
https://historyofeuropeanfashion.wordpress.com/category/renaissance-1450-1650/ -
Renaissance Art/Artists
Francesco del Giocondo started the painting in 1503. It is said that it is his wife in the painting. It could be when Francesco and his wife bought his house. It was the first painting to focus on a sitter.
https://www.louvre.fr/en/oeuvre-notices/mona-lisa-portrait-lisa-gherardini-wife-francesco-del-giocondo -
Scientific discoveries
This is when the Heliocentric Solar system was invented. Aristarchus of Samos was the first person to invent it. It is the idea that the Sun is the center of the solar system instead of the Earth.
https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/143e-I1isE6wL8gmfwi8GSo6eE9quxkH199dVmOj6_K0/edit -
Renaissance Art/Artists
Michelangelo was the one that created this painting. The chapel was first painted with blue with stars on the walls were paintings of christ. This painting gave Michelangelo most of his fame http://www.italianrenaissance.org/a-closer-look-michelangelos-painting-of-the-sistine-chapel-ceiling/ -
Literary Works
This is when Utopia was published. The author is Thomas more. The book is about an island with various religious and political custom.
https://www.tell-a-tale.com/10-read-books-renaissance-period/ -
The Catholic Church Pre-Reformation
This is when Martin Luther posted his 95 theses. The theses were about most of Martin Luther's problems with the pope and the catholic church. It was posted at Wittenburg cathedral.
http://protestantism.co.uk/timeline.html -
The Catholic Church Pre-Reformation
This is when Luther appeared in front of Charles the V. To be question of heresy against the Roman church. He refused the charges and was declared a heretic. Then he was officially excommunicated by pope Leo X
http://protestantism.co.uk/timeline.html -
The Catholic Church Pre-Reformation
This is when Luther was translating the bible. He translated the bible in german when he was hiding in the castle in Wittenburg. He posted the New testament first and the old testament was posted later.
http://protestantism.co.uk/timeline.html -
Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation
This is when the English reformation happens. The reformation happens because of the marriage of Henery VIII and Catherine. The reformation was the changing of the church.
http://protestantism.co.uk/timeline.html -
Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation
This when the society of Jesus if formed. It is used to counter the reformation. It was founded by Ignatius of Loyola to counter the Reformation.
http://protestantism.co.uk/timeline.html -
Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation
This is when the 39 articles were published. It was giving a summary of Anglican doctrine. They were preceded by the 42 articles of Written burg
http://protestantism.co.uk/timeline.html -
This is when the first submarine was talked about. The first working submarine was in 1620. They were mostly used for demonstration mostly back then.
https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/14strDKoEu4bsU7jELnmL-GMJrFxFpJbqhD63CUHh5ls/edit -
Scientific discoveries
This was when the earth's magnetic fields were published. William Gilbert was the one that published it. Georg Hartmann and Robert Norman was the one that discovered that the earth had a magnetic field.
https://www.gns.cri.nz/Home/Our-Science/Land-and-Marine-Geoscience/Earth-s-Magnetic-Field/Discovery-of-the-Earth-s-magnetic-field -
Literary Works
This is when William Shakespeare made hamlet. It is one of Shakespeare's best works. It is a drama.
https://www.tell-a-tale.com/10-read-books-renaissance-period/ -
scientific method
It was first invented by Muslim Scholars. This is when Sir Bacon founded the new scientific method. The new method is fiding a hypothesis, conduct an experiment, collect evidence, then write the report.
https://www.canva.com/design/DADw6Kudfik/Ur5uBpGW2vWsDn5jYx-4ow/view?utm_content=DADw6Kudfik&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=sharebutton -
This is when Lucien Vidi made the barometer. They are used to measure the temperature. They were first made with murky because we fully didn't understand the effects of it.