History timeline

By cashcow
  • 1518

    Middle Passage

    Middle Passage
    The middle passage was the transport of millions of Africans to be used in America's slave trade. The ships sailed across the Atlantic ocean to the New World and took up to 90 days to arrive. This practice continued up until the 19th century. This event relates to the theme by showing that America's development was not perfect and mistakes were made.
  • Founding of Jamestown

    Founding of Jamestown
    The Founding of Jamestown happened back in 1607 in Virginia, 13 years before the pilgrims arrived at Plymouth. The event relates to the theme, because it helped shape America.
  • Mayflower compact

    Mayflower compact
    The Mayflower compact was a document that allowed the Pilgrims to settle in Virginia. it was signed on November 11th, 1620. It relates to the theme because without this document, the Pilgrims would have never been able to settle and change America to what it is today
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony

    Massachusetts Bay Colony
    The Massachusetts Bay Colony was founded by the owners of the Massachusetts Bay Company back in 1629. It was established by over 1,000 puritan refugees. It relates to the theme, because it was established by immigrants- just like America was.
  • First Great Awakening

    The First Great Awakening was a religious revival that spread throughout the British American colonies. It relates to the theme because religion was one of America's founding values.
  • Declaration of Independence

    The United States Declaration of Independence is the statement adopted by the Second Continental Congress meeting at the Pennsylvania State House.
  • The Ratification of the Constitution

    When the first Congress of the United States adopted 12 amendments to the U.S. Constitution and sent them to the states for ratification.
  • Abolitionist Movement

    A movement that had helped abolish slavery.
  • The Second great awakening

    The Second great awakening was a religion based revival movement during the early 19th century in the United States
  • Election of Andrew Jackson

    Andrew Jackson, the 11th president of The United States, was elected in 1828.
  • 13th, 14th, & 15th Amendments

    The 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments were adopted after the civil war.
  • Freedman's Bureau

    A document created by President Abraham Lincoln which was intended to last for one year after the end of the Civil War.
  • Women’s Suffrage in Wyoming

    Suffrage was granted to women in America after their right to vote became enacted in law.
  • Great Railroad Strike 1877

    Occurred after the railroad workers' pay got cut. The trains stopped running because the workers refused to work until they got a better pay.
  • Haymarket Affair 1886

    The Haymarket affair was the aftermath of of a violent riot that erupted from a peaceful protest.
  • Gospel of Wealth

    A philanthropical article written by Andrew Carnegie in 1889 about the self made rich.
  • Progressive Era

    A time of widespread social activism and political reform across the United States, from the 1890s to 1920s
  • Populists

    A political party that was also referred to as the "people's party". It sought after to represent the common interests of citizens. The party was first created in 1891.
  • Pullman Strike

    Occurred when labor unions fought back due to harsh and unfair working conditions and low wages for factory workers.
  • Americanization Movement

    The process of bringing an immigrant into American civilization.
  • Pure Drug & Food Act/ Meat Inspection Act

    A series of laws regarding consumable products. It banned mislabeled food products and drugs without a specified list of active compounds.
  • 17th Amendment

    An amendment that allows us to vote for senators and other important political officials. It was ratified on April 8, 1913
  • 18th Amendment

    Made the production, transport and sale of alcohol illegal (but not possession). The 21st amendments ratification eventually repealed the 18th amendment in 1933.
  • 19th Amendment

    Gave women suffrage. This amendment was created in order to give voting rights to women.
  • Scopes Trial

    A substitute teacher was caught teaching evolution to his class. John Scopes was put on trial in 1925 for violating the butler act (an act that made the teaching of evolution in schools illegal. Scopes lost the case and ended up behind bars.
  • Immigration Act of 1965

    An act that abolished the National Origins Formula that had been in place in the United States since the Emergency Quota Act of 1921.
  • September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks

    The day that 9/11 happened. The twin towers were destroyed.
  • Donald Trump’s inauguration

    Donald Trump was elected on November 6th, 2016. He was later inaugurated into office on January 20th, 2017.