History Timeline

  • Galileo Discovers Planets

    Galileo Discovers Planets
    Galileo challenges the current idea that Earth is the center of the solar system
  • Novum Organum Publishes

    Novum Organum Publishes
    Francis Bacon publishes Novum Organum, outlining the fundamentals of his scientific method.
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau Publishes

    Jean-Jacques Rousseau Publishes
    Jean-Jacques Rousseau publishes his First Discourse
  • Voltaire Publishes

    Voltaire Publishes
    Voltaire publishes his Candide
  • The Social Contract was Published

    The Social Contract was Published
    Jean-Jacques Rousseau publishes The Social Contract
  • King Louis and Marie Antoinette Get Married

    King Louis and Marie Antoinette Get Married
    King Louis and Marie Antoinette Get Married when they are 15 and 14 respectively
  • Napoleon Completes His Education

    Napoleon Completes His Education
    He soon enters the military, becoming an artillery officer
  • Napoleon Sides with the Revolutionaries

    Napoleon Sides with the Revolutionaries
    The French Revolution begins, and Napoleon sides with the revolutionaries
  • The Critique of Practical Reason is Published

    The Critique of Practical Reason is Published
    Immanuel Kant publishes The Critique of Practical Reason
  • Collapse of Estates-General

    Collapse of Estates-General
    The members of the third estate form their own national assembly, causing the collapse of estates-general (France's equivalent of Parliament)
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    a bunch of people got together to make an oath that they wouldn't stop until they had a new constitution
  • Storming of Bastille

    Storming of Bastille
    The storming of the Bastille prison was one of the opening events of the French Revolution
  • French Republic Established

    French Republic Established
    King Louis is arrested
  • Napoleon is Promoted to Brigadier General

    Napoleon is Promoted to Brigadier General
    Napoleon started fighting for the revolution, and he was soon promoted to Brigadier general
  • Reign of Terror Begins

    Reign of Terror Begins
    France goes to war with various European powers, this signals the most violent phase of the French Revolution
  • King Louis Dies

    King Louis Dies
    King Louis Dies at the ripe old age of 38 in the Place de la Concorde, Paris, France
  • Robespierre Takes Power

    Robespierre Takes Power
    Robespierre took control of the newly formed Committee of Public Safety
  • Marie Antoinette Death

    Marie Antoinette Death
    Marie Antoinette Dies at the ripe old age of 37
  • Madame Roland's Execution

    Madame Roland's Execution
    Madame Roland was a French revolutionary, salonnière and writer
  • Georges Danton Death

    Georges Danton Death
    He was Executed at sunset with a group of fifteen others. His last words were "I will no longer defend myself"
  • Antoine Lavoisier's Death

    Antoine Lavoisier's Death
    Lavoisier was convicted and guillotined in Paris, at the age of 50, along with his 27 co-defendants
  • Robespierre is Executed

    Robespierre is Executed
    He was arrested on July 27, 1794, and guillotined on the very next day
  • The Directory Takes Power

    The Directory Takes Power
    A new regime starts, Napoleon plays a big role
  • The Napoleonic Era Begins

    The Napoleonic Era Begins
    Napoleon stages a coup d’état, ending the Directory and appointing himself France's ‘first consul'
  • Napoleon Becomes Emperor of France

    Napoleon Becomes Emperor of France
    he became Emperor of the French under the name of Napoleon I
  • Napoleon Dies

    Napoleon Dies
    The doctors that performed the autopsy concluded that his death was from stomach cancer, exacerbated by bleeding gastric ulcers