History Timeline

  • 1651-Navgation Act

    The Navgation Acts was to stop forgien ships from coming into the colonies but this failed because the colonies didnt care or mind having for forgien countries in there ports but the british cared
  • Period: to

    The many acts of History

    These are some of the acts through U.S history
  • 1733-Molasses Act

    Molasses Act: This was an act that placed a tax of any good with molasses.But the british couldnt supply them with that much molasses so they dropped this act.
  • 1764-Sugar Act

    Samething as the molasses act but with sugar iteams.ALso instead of paying 6 you payed 3.This still annoyed the colonies because they now had tax on coffee and some wines.They just wanted no tax
  • Declaratory Act of 1765

    This was the colonies way of the british why are you taxing us without even telling us?The british didnt know what to do or reply to that espically to the olonies who refused to pay the taxes
  • 1765-Stamp Act

    The stamp Act was to make people pay when they were sending letters or something along those lines.They now had to pay to send letter.They were not happy with this one bit
  • TownShed Duties of 1766

    Made By british parlimentThis was to force the colonies to pay money for the taxes so that the british could get more money