History Timeline

By loozy
  • Period: 1509 to 1547

    Henry VII Reign

    His reign is marked by the schism between English church and Roman church.
  • 1517

    Ninety five These

    These theses was written by Martin Luther.
  • 1522

    New Testament translate in German

    The Bible was translated by Martin Luther.
  • 1526

    Tyndale Bible

    The New Testament was translated into English by William Tyndale.
  • 1531

    Act in Restrained Appeal

  • Period: 1533 to

    Elizabeth I reign

    Compromise for the two main religions of England.
    Protestantism and Catholicism, will create tensions.
  • 1534

    Act of Supremacy

    Henry VIII founded the Anglican Church
  • 1536

    Pilgrimage of Grace

    A revolt beginning in Yorkshire
  • Period: 1547 to 1553

    Edward VI reign

  • 1549

    Book of common Prayers

  • Period: 1553 to 1558

    Mary Tudor reign

    She was known as Bloody Mary for her persecution of Protestants in a vain attempt to restore Roman Catholicism in England.
  • 1559

    Act of Uniformity

  • 1568

    Papal Bull "Regnans in Excelsis"

  • 1569

    Northern rebellion

  • 1570

    Pope Pius V excommunicates Elizabeth I

    Pope Pius V declared that Elizabeth was a heretic and, as such, she was excommunicated by way of a Papal Bull
  • 1571

    Treason Act

  • Execution of Mary Queen of Scotts

    After eighteen and a half years in captivity, Mary was found guilty of plotting to assassinate Elizabeth.
  • Act Of Union