Alex Gibson

  • Acquisition of Alask

    Acquisition of Alask
    The U.S secretary of State signed with Russia for the purchase of Alaska. Alaska was $7 million and that is about 2 cents an acre
  • National Parks

    National Parks
    Yellowstone was the first National Park and it was where the Native Americans lived and hunted. John Colter was the first to travel through the area.
  • United States taking control of Hawaii

    United States taking control of Hawaii
    The first know settlers of Hawaii were Polynesian voyagers. By the mid-19th century the sugar industry was well developed. It gave us a huge place in the sugar industry.
  • First Summer Olympics

    First Summer Olympics
    The first Olympics took place in Athens. The games had 14 nations competing and James Connolly (American) was the first Olympic champion
  • Explosion of the USS Maine

    Explosion of the USS Maine
    The Maine weighed ore the 6,000 tons and cost more than $2 million to build. With in three months of the Maine blowing up the United states defeated Spanish forces on land and sea.
  • Galveston Hurricane

    Galveston Hurricane
    This hurricane destroyed more than 3,600 buildings. There was an estimated about 0f 6,000 to 12,000 people killed. It helped American understand that the buildings aren't strong or safe enough for things like this.
  • McKinley assassination

    McKinley assassination
    President William McKinley was shot twice in the chest by a 28 year old man maned Leon Czolgosz. While McKinley was still conscious told his bodyguards not to hurt the man. This event showed that presidents need to be more protected and people need to be searched.
  • Theodore Roosevelt becomes President

    Theodore Roosevelt becomes President
    While in office Roosevelt confronted the struggle between management and labor head-on. He ran again in 1912 but failed to be elected.
  • Titanic

    The Titanic sank at 2:20 a.m, 400 miles south of Newfoundland, Canada. It carries 2,200 passengers and crew members, the Titanic had hit two icebergs two and a half hours before it sunk.
  • Panama Canal

    Panama Canal
    It took about 6,000 men to help build it. Chief sanitary officer Dr. William Gorgas helped a lot with the project. This made it easier for imported goods