New hampshire

History Timeline 3.1-3.2

  • The Tides of War Change

    From 1758 to 1759, the British cut off French trades to the Americas. This forces many Native Americans to join the British side, effectively sealing the outcome of the war.
  • The beginning of Pontiac's Rebellion

    Native Americans begin raiding settlements along the Ohio River Valley and in other places. This changes the view on Natives for many Colonists. The goal of these raids was to bring the French back to the colonies to drive out the British.
  • The Proclamation of 1763

    The proclamation of 1763 was an act imposed by England which attempted to stop colonists from settling in western America. It could be argue that this was the spark that began the violent protests that snowballed into the American Revolution. The colonists did not like the idea of being controlled by a higher power.
  • Violent Opposition to the Stamp Act

    Protesters in Boston began to assault tax collectors and threaten and destroy houses of British people of power. This violent protesting gained wind very quickly and spread to many other colonists.
  • The Taxes on the Colonists

    This was the year that the Stamp, Sugar, and Quartering Acts were brought to the colonies. These policies were seen as unfair to the colonists, because they had no say in the matter. England enacted these in order to get out of debt gained from the Seven Years War. These Acts, however, were strongly and violently opposed by the colonists.
  • The Boston Massacre

    At a protest in Boston, colonists threw rocks and snowballs at the British soldiers occupying the port city. This led to the soldiers blindly firing into a crown of colonies, killing 5 people. This event unified colonists across America to oppose the British, and was a major cause of the American Revolution.