History Timeline 2

  • American Federation of Labor is Formed

    American Federation of Labor is Formed
    https://youtu.be/uPxrTrAcMpI The American Federation of Labor (AFL), one of numerous labor unions founded during the Progressive Era, was founded with Samuel Gompers' assistance. The goals of labor unions include better pay and working conditions.
  • Hull House is Opened

    Hull House is Opened
    https://youtu.be/PWiHtUymEhw Hull House is a settlement house that offers social assistance to underprivileged immigrants in Chicago, Illinois. It is founded by Jane Addams.
  • Sherman Antitrust Act is Formed

    Sherman Antitrust Act is Formed
    https://youtu.be/_DSN0uUNLOw Congress passes the Sherman Antitrust Act, the first piece of legislation intended to prevent power concentrations that obstruct commerce and diminish economic competition.
  • Roosevelt Becomes President

    Roosevelt Becomes President
    https://youtu.be/XI_gvUN4xE0 Theodore Roosevelt succeeds William McKinley as president of the United States following McKinley's murder. In his first year in office, Roosevelt aims to alter a number of facets of American culture.
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

    Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
    https://youtu.be/FguWSsW21CQ In an unsafe and overcrowded garment factory in New York City, the Triangle shirtwaist factory fire results in the deaths of 146 workers, the majority of whom were young immigrant women. The tragedy draws attention to the substandard working conditions that many people experience.
  • 19th Amendment Passed

    19th Amendment Passed
    https://youtu.be/a9LmBgY-F5A The Nineteenth Amendment is passed by Congress, granting all women citizens the right to vote in American elections.