history timeline

By Ari.193
  • Canada has its own constitution

    Canada has its own constitution
    Canada did not have their own constitution, Canada was on the British ties, Canada’s constitutions consisted od acts of the British parliament. In 1982 Canada could have their own Constitution without requiring the approval from Britain.
  • Deinstitutionalization in Canada

    Deinstitutionalization in Canada
    Canada had institutions were people with mental and physic disabilities were placed, these institutions had several ways to treat their patients using pharmaceutics that the patient did not needed, so the government decide to remove the institutions were the people with disabilities were treated, this process is called Deinstitutionalization
  • Montreal Massacre

    Montreal Massacre
    The Montreal Massacre its an event that took place at Montreal’s Ecole Polytechnique armed, were a young man burst in to a class with a weapon, separate woman and men and killed the woman saying, “You are all feminists.” After he shoot the girls in the classroom, he committed suicide.
  • Oka Crisis

    Oka Crisis
    In this event the Mohawk protesters, army and police were involved, it was a 78 days standoff were there was a proposed of building a golf camp in the same place were the mohawk burial lived. The situation was solved when the army went to the place where the problem was, the golf camp was cancelled, and the land was purchased by the government.
  • The North American Free Trade Agreement

    The North American Free Trade Agreement
    The North American Free Trade Agreement was an agreement between USA, Canada and Mexico, this agreement its to remove the barriers between these countries in terms of economic trade. This agreement came on January 1994 in Texas. This was the largest free trade area. Nowadays, the president of the United States wants to remove or renegotiate this agreement after one year of negotiation.
  • Changes on the Canadian Human Rights Act

    Changes on the Canadian Human Rights Act
    This changes in the Canadian Human Rights Act were important, the changes consist in prohibiting the discrimination against the homosexual people and the other sexualities and the human rights of the sexual orientation and the discrimination against.
  • 09/11

    The day of 11 in September there was a terrorist attack in New York. The terrorist used 3 commercial flights, one airplane went to the WTC in New York, the other one went to the white house and the last one went to pentagon. The airplane that was directed to the WTC in New York killed too many people, it was an awful experience for the people how was around or inside the WTC. Nowadays in the place of the terrorist attack there is a memorial for the people how died in the attack.
  • Same sex marriage becomes legal

    Same sex marriage becomes legal
    Feb. 1,2005 the government legalize the idea of same sex marriage, this change the social structures of the people.
  • IDLE no more movement

    IDLE no more movement
    It began in 2012 as a protest against the introduction of Bill C-45.