History Timeline 1900-2000s

  • Wright Brothers

    Wright Brothers
    The Wright brothers created the first controlled flight in an aircraft.
  • WWI

    World war one begins. The US enters World War I in 1917 three years after the conflict began. Joined because of the sinkage of US ships by Germany.
  • WWI

    WWI ends with the Treaty of Versailles.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The Great Depression begins due to the Stock Market Crash.
  • WWII

    Impacts of the Treaty of Versailles lead to the second world war. Nazis' invasion of Poland.
  • UN

    The United Nations is established on October 24th.
  • Brown vs. Board

    Brown vs. Board
    The supreme court case that ruled segregation in public schools unconstitutional.
  • Explorer I

    Explorer I
    America's first satellite is launched.
  • Martin Luther King Jr.

    Martin Luther King Jr.
    "I have a dream" speech given in Washington D.C. in front of a crowd of more than 200,000.
  • Civil Rights

    Civil Rights
    President Johnson signs the Civil Rights act
  • MLK

    Martin Luther King Jr, is assassinated in Tennessee.