Stock Market Crash
Caused by people cheating in the stock market. It lead to the Great Depression -
Hitler Elected Chanceler
Bank Run
1st Inauguration of F.D.R
Marked the first four-year term of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Last inauguration on April 4, after, inaugurations held on January 20. -
Frank Family Flees Germany
No one knows the exact date that they fled Germany. -
Enactment of the Neuremburg Laws
Allowed for easier discrimination against the Jews. -
F.D.R. Supreme Court Packing
German Union with Austria
Neville Chamberlain "Peace in our time."
Night of Broken Glass
It appeared to be unplanned, but was planned by several Nazis. -
Wizard of Oz Release
Nominated for 6 Acadamy Awards. -
Period: to
Invasion of Poland
Germany invades Poland on Sept. 1 and then on Oct. 9, Germany and Russia divide Poland. -
3rd Inauguration of F.D.R.
Only time ever a president was reelected for a 3rd term and 1st inauguration caught on color film. -
America enters war after bombing of Pearl Harbor.