Galileo publishes "The Starry Messenger"
-Describes his doscovery of the planet Jupiter.
-This book earns him the title of Chief Mathematician, and the philosopher to Cosimo de'Medici, the grand duke of Tuscany http://cnx.org/content/m11932/latest/hevelius_telescope.gif -
Galileo is put under house arrest for teaching Copernicanism
-Was refused protection from his friend Pope Urban , and was put under house arrest forbidding him to talk about Copernicanism.
-Under house arrest he continues to refine his theories. http://www.catholicreview.org/images/story/CNS-SUN-1-GALILEO.jpg -
Period: to
Important Dates
King Louis XIV begins his reign over France
-He builds the Palace of Versailles.
-Known as the Sun King http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/50315_163619730347842_3433946_n.jpg -
King Charles II grants a Royal Charter to establish The Royal Society
-He grants them a Royal Charter to officially establish the Royal Society , for the study of new scientific theories. -
Isaac Newton is elected to the Royal Society
-He donates his Telescope , as well as many other new scientific discoveries http://cdn.dipity.com/uploads/events/93ba2040d84bfeb4222a285dafb70319_1M.png -
Newton publishes "Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica"
-Book contains "Newtons Laws of Motion" -
The League of Augsburg is installed, and the Nine Years War begins
-The Alliance between Holland, England, Spain, Sweden, Bavaria, Saxony, The Rhine Palatinate, and The Austrian Habsburg against King Louis XIV for his new aggressions.
-Organized by William of Orange -
The Nine Year War ends (Peace of Ryswick)
-The Peace of Ryswick ends the war, and returns most of the land France gains except for Strasbourg and its surrounding territory or Alsace -
letters on the english
Voltaire was foreced to flee paris once again after he wrote how the british were more developed in his document "philosophical letters on the english" -
Denis Diderot
Diderot in 1744 as well as other fellow writers, contributed to help write the first ever Encyclopedia as well as many other books during the free thinking era -
king Louis the XIV
Voltaire Published "Age of Louis the XIV" this document completely changed how people recored history. -
The Seven Year War begins
-Britain gains control of India , while Prussia defeats Austria and establishes itself as a European Power http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4f/Benjamin_West_005.jpg/300px-Benjamin_West_005.jpg -
Im not an animal !
Beccaria Published his most important work "crimes and punishment". stating that the prison systme should focus more on rehabilitation rather than punishment. -
James Watts
When James Watts was 28 years old he was given an old steam engine. within a few weeks, he was able to make the steam engine more effective and powerful. -
Wealth of nations
Adam Smith with his knowlegde in econmoics and and philosophy, was able to write and publish his book "Wealth of Nations" a book that is still used today by most modern day economists. -
Independence Day
Thomas Edison as well as other congressman, gathered together to write and sign "The Declaration of Independence". Stating that the Colonies will no longer for the king and want freedom from him. -
Declaration of The Right of Man and Citizen
All citizens were to be treated equally before the law.
Each arrest had to be in order with the process of law. -
The French Revolution Begins
-The Financial Crisis under King Louis XVI.
-The three stages: Stage 1: Relatvely peaceful
Stage 2:Crisis and War
Stage 3:The Governent Shifted and was corrupted under the Leadership of Napoleon Bonaparte -
Period: to
The French Revolution
The financial crisis under Louis XVI was among many of other reasons that sparked this Revolution.
The French Revolution is a series of complex events that took place between 1789 and 1799. -
National Assembly
The National Assembly's "The Oath of the Tennis Court" can be seen as the beginning of the French Revolution.
They were granted the highest power in the nation when King Louis XVI ordered all delegates to join the Assembly. -
Haitian Revolution
The rebellion in St.Domingue was the largest slave rebellion in history.
The French Government promised freedom to any slave promising to join the French. -
The National Convention
The National Convention declared France a republic.
Abolished slavery in French Colonies.
Condemned king Louis XVI to death by means of the guillotine. -
Reign of Terror
Created the Committee of Public Safety to prolong the success of the Terror.
The numbers of executions during this time of terror were as high as 30,000 and almost 500,000 were imprisoned. -
Three main themes of Enlightenment are reason and the laws of nature, religion and morality, and progress and reform.
Voltaire was known as the founder of Enlightenment. -
Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon drafted the Napoleon Code in 1804 that created one uniform law.
Developed an orderly and fair system of taxation. -
Congress of Vienna
The Congress sought to restore order and authority.
The Congress of Vienna called for a “Concert of Europe” to secure the peace and create permanent stability. -
The French Revolution of 1848
The unhappy people of France held political meetings, against the wishes of King Phillipe. It was when these meetings were banned that revolution broke out in France. -
Creation of the Frankfurt Assembly
Members from Prussia, Austria, and German states came together to discuss the unification process. This resulted in the creation of "Small Germany." -
The Crimean War
Britain and France feared the expansion of Russia. Turkey declared war on Russia, but Turkey was no match for the Russian army so they allied with Britain and France to defeat Russia in the war. -
American Civil War
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ppOP3HaIfo&feature=related The North and the South went to war over the institution of slavery. Compromises could not be made so war broke out and in the end, slavery was abolished. -
The Seven Weeks War
Fought between the German Confederation nder the control of Austria and Prussia, with German and Italy allies. This resulted in Prussia's domination over the German States. -
Second Reform Bill of 1867
This reform bill doubled the amount of people that were allowed to vote. This gave people of the "working class" a voice in political matters. -
The Progressive Movement of 1880's
Began in hopes to get rid of corruption in American government. Also, people hoped for America to become a more industrialized and more efficient country. -
Spanish American War
http://www.schooltube.com/video/6515fbbf5b4342a89205/SpanishAmerican-War War fought between Spain and America because of America's constant involvement in Spain's relations with Cuba. -
The Boxer Rebellion
A secret society of men from China who lead a rebellion and march in Beijing. This showed that European influence was not as strong as everyone thought. -
Russian Revolution
End of World War I
The Great Depression
WWII begins
-WWII begins when Germany invades Poland -
Pearl Harbor
Hundreds of Japanese Fighter jets came to attack the U.S naval base in Hawaii, becoming one of America'a darkest moments in history. -
The Cold War
Atomic Bomb
The Atomic bomb before used was tested for the first time in nex mexico and was successful, was later used on japan to end war.