History Time Line Project - Radiation By: Riya Sanghani, Amit Reznik, and Calvin Schuler
By healthscince
1200 BCE
Egyptian Era
The ancient Egyptians believed in natural remedies and herbs to treat health problems. Their version of medicine included using aloe plant paste to treat digestive problems and migraines. To cure poisoning incidents, Egyptians used mustard seeds to cause self-induced vomiting and used mint leaves to stop uncontrollable vomiting. These unique medicine methods that the Egyptians used helped those experiencing health problems in a positive manner. -
460 BCE
Greek Era
During the Greek era, a man named Hippocrate Asclepiades was known to be the "father of medicine". He was able to teach others how diet, exercise, and proper rest prevent the use of medicines. Also, Hippocrate created his own medicine methods which were to eat healthy foods and exercise daily in order to cure diabetes and prevent it. He was able to demonstrate that medicine does not always have to be something complicated, it can simply be a change in one's lifestyle routine. -
27 BCE
Roman Era
The Romans used a combination of Greek medicine and their own local practices. Due to the Greek doctors not being able to prove whether their theories are correct, they had to come up with remedies as a source of medicine to treat people. For instance, doctors recommended using fenugreek to treat patients with lung disease problems including pneumonia. Overall, the medicine methods used during the Roman Era were unique, because Romans found alternative methods to resolve health issues. -
Period: 1300 to
Renaissance Era
During the Renaissance time period, Paracelsus Aurelos was the first doctor to demonstrate that chemicals and minerals could be used in the human body as a form of medicine. So, he was able to introduce the concept of chemistry to medicine and discovered that chemicals can also be used to treat patients. For instance, when patients were diagnosed with a deadly fever known as typhoid fever, he used doses of mercury to cure them. Paracelsus contributed the necessary use of chemistry in medicine. -
17th Century
In the 17th century, radiation was not founded yet but it was on the rise, especially due to the cause of breast cancer in women. A German professor, Wilhelm Fabry, had the idea that breast cancer was caused by a milk clot in a mammary duct. However, later it was found that radiation commonly comes from the outcome of a chemical process. He did not realize that radiation is also used to kill tumors and kill cancerous cells so there was a lack of development of radiation in the 1600s. -
18th Century
The modern understanding and development of radiation was sparked by Wilhelm Rontgen. While he was a professor in Germany, Rontgen developed the first x-ray. Also he practiced techniques to treat radiation using his x-ray to determine an effective method to kill cancerous cells. The development of radiation officially began in the 1700s due to the astonishing discovery of the x-ray. -
The First CT Scan
Godfrey Hounsfield ran the first CT scan on a women's brain, after creating an idea for the machine in 1967. Physicist, Allan Cormack was helping Godfrey, and they both were awarded the Nobel peace prize. Godfrey was the first person to combine an X-ray machine and a computer. -
The First MRI Scan
Paul Lauterbur created the first MRI scan using nuclear magnetic resonance data and computer calculations of tomography. With the creation of the MRI, Lauterbur was able to discover completely different principles of imaging. Since x-rays and CT scans use radiation for imaging purposes, MRI is another diagnostic tool within the same category that uses the magnetic field. -
The First PET Scan Camera Developed
Edward Hoffman, Michael M. Ter-Pogossian, and Michael E. Phelps first developed the first positron emission tomography (PET) camera and the first whole-body system for human and animal studies. Phelps is the most well known for developing the camera. -
The First Human Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Body Scan
The first magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) body scan was developed by Raymond Damadian, Larry Minkoff, and Michael Goldsmith. This was a major contribution to the science and health field and helped with the advancement of radiation. Although, an MRI scan does not use radiation, it is used to help diagnose diseases and to examine the body for too much radiation. -
First Human Color X-Ray Scanner
Radiation therapy can be used to treat patients who have been overly exposed to radiation. This involves the use of an x-ray emitting radiation to kill the cancerous and dangerous cells in the body. The colored x-ray was invented by 2 scientists who wanted to ensure that patients' x-ray results can be as accurate as possible. This new advancement in technology helps medical professionals better detect cancer because the x-ray provides clear images of possible tumors and/or fatty tissue.