History the USA.

  • The Voyage of the Mayflower

    The Voyage of the Mayflower
    A group of 102 pilgrims sailed from England to America, ¨the new world¨, on the ship the Mayflower. The long, difficult journey across the Atlantic Ocean continued for 65 days.
  • The Voyage of the Maylower

    The Voyage of the Maylower
    The pilgrims saw left in the distance. They were very excited because their journey was near and end.
  • The voyage of the Mayflower

    The voyage of the Mayflower
    The pilgrims met a Native American for the first time and he introduced them to his tribe. The Native Americans taught the pilgrims how to grow corn, beans and pumpkins.
  • Period: to

    The Voyage of the Mayflower

    The British army and the colonist fought the French over land in North America. the british won the war and got some of the French land
  • Independence

    The colonies declared independence from Great Britain. Their leaders published the Declaration of Independence os this date
  • Expansion

    The french Emperador Napoleon offered to sell the land to the united States for $15 million.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    There are problems in our country, the people in the north live in town but in the south they live on plantations and own slaves. Abraham Lincoln is now President of the USA.
  • Civil War

    The south has got their Confederacy. It is got 11 estates now. Richmond is the capital.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    Thousands of people are dead. The war can't continue for long because the Confederates are losing. They have got fewer soldiers than the Union
  • War Civil

    War Civil
    It's the end of the war!! But more than 600000 Americans are dead.