
History Egyptian to Persian Civilization

  • Period: 3100 BCE to 2270 BCE

    Old Kingdom Of Egypt

    The Old Kingdom consisted of 5 dynasties, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, but the dynasties go on for many years ( Editors). The original Egyptians were descendants of Ham, Noah's son( Editors). Many people wanted the land of Egypt, many Africans and Asiatics set up kingdoms around Egypt to try and take over it( Editors). All of the descendants of Ham were in scattered clans called nomes (Baines et al.).
  • 2900 BCE

    The History of the Assyrian Empire.

    The History of the Assyrian Empire.
    In around 2900 B.C., Assyria had a population of only Sumerians due to it being a brand new empire. Assyria was a strong nation, the had brought down many enemy nations and made many great allies. These Assyrians were one of the first empires to use iron weapons, iron tipped arrows, armor, and much more. they were a great empire in their day. ( Editors)
  • Period: 2400 BCE to 2180 BCE

    Akkadian Ruler: Sargon!

    Sargon had captured Sumer in 2400 B.C. and the empire stretched from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea( Editors). Sargon encouraged trade in the merchant class( Editors). Sadly his dynasty ended in 2180 B.C( Editors).
  • Period: 2060 BCE to 1785 BCE

    The Middle Kingdom of Egypt

    Pepi II had recently died from ruling Memphis, the pharaohs began to lose control over the nobles( Editors). Egypt was at its low, and the eleventh dynasty collapsed( Editors). When the twelfth dynasty came to be, Amenemhat I took the throne and the Twelfth dynasty was one of the best in Egyptian history( Editors).
  • 1760 BCE

    Establishment of a New Empire: Babylon

    Establishment of a New Empire: Babylon
    Babylon was established in 1760 by a ruler by the name of Hammurabi( Editors). Babylon's first city was called Babel, the place where the tower of Babel was created( Editors). Babylon was brought down by the Hittites and Assyrians in the 1500's but was rebuilt right after that ( Editors).
  • 1595 BCE

    Hittites sudden attack!

    Hittites sudden attack!
    The battle between Babylon and Assyria was still going on, a sudden attack came from the allies of Assyria( Editors). The Hittites, commanded by Mursili I had attacked Babylon( Editors)! Babylon had fallen to Assyria and the Hittites in 1595 B.C( Editors).
  • Period: 1580 BCE to 1085 BCE

    The New Empire of Egypt

    During this period of Egypt's history, they were very modern in their buildings and cities( Editors). They had made very intriguing allies, such as Assyria and Babylon( Editors). Egypt ended up being captured by Alexander the Great in 332 B.C. in a battle against Persia( Editors).
  • 612 BCE

    Persian Civilization.

    Persian Civilization.
    Persia begins with people called the Medes, for a long time they were under Assyrian rule, but the had rebelled not long after they were captured( Editors). Babylon was an ally to them in battle but Babylon had fallen in 539 B.C. and Persia had aided Babylon to rebuild( Editors).
  • Period: 612 BCE to 539 BCE

    Neo-Babylonian Rule!

    The Neo-Babylonian (also called Chaldean) rule was led by king Nebuchadnezzar( Editors). This rule did not last very long but was extremely effective, God used this army to punish Assyria and Judah for their idolatry and Nebuchadnezzar had marched around the walls of Judah for 7 days and blew horns until eventually the walls had come falling down( Editors). This was a great impact on the religion of the Judaean's religion, with the same impact on the Assyrians.
  • 331 BCE

    The battle of Gaugamela

    The battle of Gaugamela
    Persia had been fighting against Mesopotamia for a while( Editors). Soon enough, Alexander the great defeated Darius III in 333 B.C( Editors). Two years later the Persian empire had completely been defeated, giving Mesopotamia the victory. ( Editors)