Ancient times & Middle Ages

By Yurina
  • Period: 1800 BCE to 1500 BCE

    12 Hebrew tribes settled down in Canaan

    under the leadership of Abraham who was led by god
  • Period: 1200 BCE to 800 BCE

    Etruscants settled down in the Italian Peninsula

  • 1020 BCE

    12 Jewish tribes united into a state

  • Period: 1000 BCE to 962 BCE

    King David of Jewish

    his capital was Jerusalem
  • 776 BCE

    Olympic Games

    records from Olympic Games started
  • 753 BCE

    foundation of Rome

    Romulus and Remus
  • 750 BCE

    archons emerged in Athens

  • 621 BCE

    Draco wrote down the laws of the polis

  • 560 BCE

    Pisistratus sized power: the first tyranny

  • 510 BCE

    Latins revolt against king Tarquin the Proud

  • 510 BCE

    aristocratic republic in Rome

  • 508 BCE


    -divided Athens into 10 phyle
    -created the Boule
  • Period: 499 BCE to 479 BCE

    Persian wars

  • 494 BCE

    office of tribune and Plebeian's Assembly

  • Period: 460 BCE to 429 BCE

    Pericles - the Golden Age of Athenian Democracy

  • 450 BCE

    Laws of the Twelve Tables

    all free citizens had the right to the protection of law
  • 367 BCE

    economic claims of the plebeinas were put into practice and slavery for debts were abolished

  • Period: 138 BCE to 7 BCE

    3 uprsising in Rome led by slaves

    Spartacus led the 3rd one: gladiators
  • 73 BCE

    Spartacus's uprising

  • 71 BCE

    Crassus and Pompey defeated the slaves

  • 60 BCE


    Julius Caesar
  • 59 BCE

    Caesar was elected a consul

  • 56 BCE

    province of Palestine

    Roman Empire occupied the Jewish territories
  • 49 BCE

    Caesar crossed the Rubicon River and occupied Rome

  • 48 BCE

    batlle at Pharsalos in Greece

    Popmey was murdered by the Egyptian pharaoh after the battle
  • 46 BCE

    Caesar returned to Rome

    he got elected as dictator for 10 years
  • 44 BCE

    Caesar was elected dictator for lifetime

    -gave Roman citizenship to many
    -weakend the Senate
    -public work programs, regulations of the use of latifundia
    -founded 20 colonies
    -Solar calendar: Julian Calendar
  • 44 BCE

    conspirators led by Brutus and Cassius killed Caesar

  • 43 BCE


    Mark Anthony
  • 42 BCE

    battle of Philippi in Greece

    -naval battle
    -the Second Triumvirate defeated Brutus and Cassius who later committed suicide
  • 31 BCE


    decisive battle between Mark Anthony and Octavian
  • 30 BCE


    -Octavian went to Egypt where Mark Anthony and his wife Cleopatra committed suicide
    -Octavian made Egypt a province of the Roman Empire
  • Period: 27 BCE to 180


    principate of Augustus
  • 14

    Augustus died

    the system of Pax Romana survived
  • Period: 66 to 130

    Jewish rebbelions against the Roman Empire

  • 91

    The Hunnic Empire collapsed

    the HUns were defeated by the Chinese and started to migarte westwards
  • 313

    Edict of Milan

    Emperor Constantine granbted religious freedom to everyone
  • 325

    Council of Nicaea

    -Emperor Constantine summoned the first synod
    -doctrine of Holy Trinity: the unity of Father, Sona and Spirit
  • 378

    battle of Adrianople

    Visigoths against the Roman Empire = victory of Visigoths
  • 391

    Emperor Theodosius made Christianity the state religion

    banned the Olympic Games and the worhsip of old Roman gods
  • 395

    Roman Empire was divided into Western and Eastern parts

  • 433

    the HUns invaded Pannonia

    they gave up dual principality and Attila became the sole ruler
  • 451

    battle of Catalaunian Plains

    the Huns against the WRE = indecisive but huge losses on both sides
  • 453

    Fall of the Hunnic Empire

    after Attila died a power struggle started which ended the rule of the Hunnic Empire
  • 455

    vandals attacked Rome

    with constant attacks from germanic tribes
  • 476

    collapse of WRE

  • Period: 476 to 1000


  • 529

    Emperor Justinian

    codified the laws of the Eastern Roman Empire
  • 529

    Benedict Order

    founded by Saint Benedict at Monte Cassion, Italy
  • Period: 570 to 630


    born in Mecca
  • 622


    Muhhamad was forced to leave Mecca and went to Medina
    -the beginning of the Arab calendar
  • 636


    Arabs occupied Damascus
  • 638


    Arabs occupied Jerusalem
  • 711

    Arabs conqered the Strait of Giblaltar

  • Period: 714 to 741

    Charles Martel

    mayor domus
  • Period: 717 to 718

    siege of Constantinople by the Arabs

    they couldn't occupy Constantinople
  • 732


    Charles Martel defeated the Arabs at Poitiers and ended the Arab Conquest
  • 751

    Pepin the Short

    -mayor domus
    -protected the Church form the Lombards and established Papal States
  • 800

    Charlemagne became the Roman Emperor

    the Pope crwoned Charlemagne the Roman Emperor
  • 814

    Charlemagne died

  • 843

    Treaty of Verdun

    Frankish Empire was divided into 3 parts: Western Frankish Empire, Eastern Frankish Empire, Central Frankish Empire
  • 910


    to free the Church from secular power and abolish Simony
  • 962

    Holy Roman Empire

    -the Eastern Roman Empire was attacked by Hungarians
    -Otto the Grat defeated them and set up the Holy Roman Empire
  • Period: 1000 to 1200


    11th century - 13 th century
  • 1054

    East-West Schism

    Roman Chirstianity and Orthodox Christianity
  • 1073

    Pope Gregory II

    he was a Benedictine monk who became the Pope
  • 1076

    Pope Gregory II excommunicated Henry IV the HRE

  • 1077


    Henry II went to Italy to the Castle of Canossa and stood in front of the castle for 3 days barefoot until the Pope forgave him
  • 1095

    First Crusade

    Pope Urban II proclaimed the First Crusade at the Council of Clairmont
  • Period: 1095 to 1099


  • 1122


    Pope Clixtus II and Emperor Henry V signed a contract to solve the prblems between the Papacy and the HRE
  • 1144

    Christian states were retaken by Muslims

    casus belli for the Second Crusade
  • 1161

    Hanseatic League wasset up

  • 1233


    -Pope Gregory IX set up a Church court for heretics
    - run by the Dominican Order
  • Period: 1300 to 1400


    14th century - 15th century
  • Period: 1347 to 1352

    Black Death

  • 1358

    French peasant rebellion

    led by Gullaume Caillat
  • 1381

    English peasant rebellion

    led by John Ball and Wat Tyler