Nov 10, 1483
Martin Luther was born November 10, 1483 at Eisleben, Saxony.
(encyclopedia of world biography) -
Sep 8, 1490
At age 7, Martin Luther's father enrolled him in school so he could become a lawyer.(history.com) -
Jul 16, 1501
Martin Luther graduated at the University of Erfurt with an Arts degree.(Grammar, logic, rhetoric, and metaphysics)
(biography.com) -
Dec 15, 1501
First African american slaves in america were brought to Santo Domingo. (oxfordreference.com) -
Jul 15, 1505
Luther swears he will become a monk
Luther was caught in a thunderstorm and he swore to god that if he survived that he would become a monk. -
Dec 15, 1516
Ferdinand II
The death of Ferdinand II resulted in Spain becoming part of the Hapsburg empire. (OxfordRefernece.com) -
Oct 31, 1517
95 theses
Martin Luther nailed a sheet of paper with 95 theses on the chapel door. These theses stated everything the Catholic Church was doing wrong.(Martin Luther, Oneill) -
Sep 21, 1520
3 pamphlets
After writing the 95 theses, he wrote 3 pamphlets criticizing the Holy Roman Empire. (Martin Luther,O'Neill) -
Jan 5, 1521
Luther banned
In January, Luther was officially excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church.(britannica.com) -
May 8, 1521
Diet of Worms
The council released the Edict of Worms stating that Martin Luther's writings were banned and declared him a 'convicted heretic' (Biography.com) -
Dec 15, 1521
Ferdinand Magellan
In an attempt to sail around the world, Ferdinand Magellan is killed by Natives. Ferdinand Magellan was the first person to try to sail around the world. -
Mar 15, 1531
Francisco Pizarro attempts to conquer the Inca Empire. This was important because the Inca empire was one of the most powerful empires at the time. (Oxfordreference.com) -
Mar 14, 1533
Spanish conquestadors
Spanish conquistadors capture the Inca capital of Cuzco. They take all the wealth that they had.(oxfordreferernce.com) -
Dec 15, 1533
Later Years
Martin Luther became dean of theology at the University of Wittenberg. During this time, Martin Luther suffered many diseases. During that time, he wrote many books criticizing Jews. (Biography.com) -
Feb 18, 1546
Martin Luther died at age 62 on February 18, 1546. He died in Eisleben, Saxony.(encyclopedia of world biography) -
Phillip II
The reign of Phillip II of Spain begins. During his reign, Spain is the foremost Western European power. He contributes to the 80 Years' War and launches the Spanish Armada.(britannica.com)