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History Project

  • The Alamo

    The Alamo
    The Alamo was a fort located in Texas. A group of Texan volunteer soldiers occupied the Alamo located near present-day San Antonio. A Mexican force began a siege of the Alamo on February 23, 1836. The Texan volunteer soldiers were able to last 13 days before the Mexicans overthrew them. The impact of this event was the fact that it represented the Texans' struggle for independence and everything they had to go through in order to obtain it.
  • The Oregon Trail is created

    The Oregon Trail is created
    From 1811-1840, the Oregon Trail was created by traders and fur trappers. In 1836, the Trail began being used by migrants traveling from Missouri to Oregon and other places in the West. Lots of Americans wanted to move West during this time because there were talks of gold and rich farmlands. This event is significant because the Oregon Trail allowed thousands of people to have a safe and fast trip West.
  • Texas Declaration of Independence

    Texas Declaration of Independence
    Texas finally formally declared their independence from Mexico on March 2, 1836 with the Texas Declaration of Independence. Texas had been revolting against the Mexican government because they did not agree with their ideas or the way they were ruling Texas. The impact of this event was Texas became independent from Mexico which eventually led to Texas becoming part of the United States.
  • Battle of San Jacinto

    Battle of San Jacinto
    The Battle of San Jacinto took place during Texas' fight for independence from Mexico. The Texas militia under Sam Houston made a surprise attack against Mexican forces. This battle happened because Texas wanted to win their independence from Mexico. The Texan forces won. The impact of this battle was because Texas won, they secured their independence from Mexico.
  • James K. Polk becomes President

    James K. Polk becomes President
    In 1844, James K. Polk beat Whig candidate Henry Clay in order to become the United States´ 11th president. Polk was a democrat who supported territorial expansionism as well as the annexation of Texas. He was elected in a tight race because lots of Americans during this time supported expansionism. Polk's presidency was significant because America gained a lot of land while he was in office.
  • Texas is annexed in the United States

    Texas is annexed in the United States
    Beginning in 1836, when Texas gained independence, the U.S. left the Republic of Texas alone. In 1844, president John Tyler began to discuss annexation with Texas again. Eventually, with the support of James K. Polk, Tyler was able to annex Texas and Texas became part of the United States on December 29, 1845. The impact of this event was America gained a new state, but tensions between America and Mexico were still very strong.
  • Annexation of California

    Annexation of California
    California joined the United States in January 1847. The United States annexed California a year later with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, signed on February 2nd, 1848.In 1849, Californians sought statehood and, after heated debate in the U.S. Congress arising out of the slavery issue, California entered the Union as a free, nonslavery state by the Compromise of 1850
  • Zachary Taylor crosses the Rio Grande River

    Zachary Taylor crosses the Rio Grande River
    There was a dispute between America and Mexico over the borderline of the Rio Grande River. Mexican soldiers crossed the river onto American soil in order to fight Zachary Taylor's army. Taylor was able to push them back across the river and move the battle onto Mexican soil. The impact of this event was Taylor ended up winning 4 battles and gaining America control of 3 northeastern Mexican states.
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    When gold was discovered in California in 1848, thousands of people began to rush west in hopes of getting rich. Men were borrowing money or using their life savings to travel to California in order to mine for gold. The impact of this event was California´s population grew exponentially and tens of millions of dollars worth of gold was discovered. This was a major event that helped the west become more populated.
  • Mexican Cession

    Mexican Cession
    The United States obtained land from Mexico that became the states of California, Nevada, Utah, and Arizona. Mexico was forced to give up this land because of their loss in the Mexican-American War. The terms of this land surrender were outlined in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. This event was sgnificant because America gained a lot of land and the question of extending slavery into this land became a huge debate.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
    The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was the treaty that ended the Mexican-American war. The war began over a territorial dispute. It ended with an American victory and this treaty outlined Mexico's consequences. These included giving America a certain amount of land and recognizing the Rio Grande as America's southern boundary. The impact of this treaty was America gained a lot of land showed Texas their strength.
  • Oregon becomes a free territory

    Oregon becomes a free territory
    There was an ongoing dispute between England and the United States over who would own the Oregon Territory for a long time. This dispute was finally settled in 1846 and a line was drawn between the Oregon Territory and Canada. Oregon official became a free territory when it entered into the Union in 1849. The impact of this event was the United States gained a state as well as more free state representation in Congress.
  • Gadsden Purchase

    Gadsden Purchase
    The U.S. wanted a southern route for a transcontinental railroad but the only possible route was through Mexican territory. There was also a lot of tension between the two countries, even though the Mexican-American war was over. The U.S. agreed to pay Mexico $10 million for a part of Mexican territory that later became Arizona and New Mexico. This event gained the U.S. more territory and created its present-day southern border.
  • Homestead Act

    Homestead Act
    Abraham Lincoln signed into law the Homestead Act which gave settlers willing to move west 160 acres of public land. The settlers had to live on the land for at least five years before they could own it and they also had to work the land. Thousands of people took this offer and began moving west. The impact of this act was it helped America expand westward. People were more willing to move west if they were being given land for doing so.
  • Transcontinental Railroad is completed

    Transcontinental Railroad is completed
    The Transcontinental Railroad was the first railroad in America to go directly from the east coast to the west coast. People living in the west desperately needed a railroad in order to trade with and be connected to the east. A gold spike was placed in the ground in Utah when the railroad was complete. The impact of this event was it connected the east and west to each other.