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History period

  • Period: 100,000 BCE to 100,000 BCE

    Paleolithic period

    This is the longest period in human history, which is 2.5 million years ago in Africa. 9,000 approximately and it is divided into three phases: from the Lower Palaeolithic, the Middle Palaeolithic and the Upper Palaeolithic,
  • Period: 100,000 BCE to 123,321 BCE

    Metal Age

    The Age of Metals is one of the two major technological stages in which Eurasian prehistory has traditionally been subdivided. By definition, it is the period that followed the Stone Age and during which the human being began to make molten metal objects. The existence of metallurgical processes is indispensable to establish the ascription of an archaeological culture to this stage, since the native metals were worked by hammering from the initial phases of the Neolithic.
  • Period: 31,232 BCE to 32,452 BCE


    Antiquity may refer to any period before the European Middle Ages which dates from around 476 with the collapse of Rome to 1492 with the discovery of the new world, but still within Western civilization-based history;
    Ancient history, any historical period before the Middle Ages
    Classical antiquity, the classical civilizations of the Mediterranean like Grece and Rome
    Late antiquity, the period betwen clasical antiquity and the Middle Ages
    Antiquities,objects or artifacts from ancient cultures
  • Period: 23,131 BCE to 41,232 BCE

    Middle Ages

    It is the historical period of Western civilization between the fifth and the fifteenth century. Conventionally, its beginning is located in the year 476 with the fall of the Roman Empire of the West and its end in 1492 with the discovery of America, 1 or 1453 with the fall of the Byzantine Empire, date that has the uniqueness of coinciding with the invention of the printing press - publication of the Gutenberg Bible - and with the end of the Hundred Years' War.
  • Period: 3000 BCE to 6000 BCE

    Neolithic period

    Stone Age New or Polished, is one of the periods in which the Stone Age is considered divided.Agriculture and livestock are carried out in different parts of the world independently and on different dates. The first region where evidence of the transition from hunter-gatherer societies to others from the Near East fires was found, around 8500 BC. C., from where it spread to Europe, Egypt, the Middle East and, perhaps, South Asia.
  • Period: to

    Modern Age

    La Edad Moderna es el tercero de los periodos históricos en los que se divide convencionalmente la historia universal, comprendido entre el siglo XV y el XVIII. Cronológicamente alberga un periodo cuyo inicio puede fijarse en la caída de Constantinopla (1453) o en el descubrimiento de América (1492), y cuyo final puede situarse en la Revolución francesa (1789) o en el fin de la década previa, tras la independencia de los Estados Unidos (1776)