WSPU split from NUWSS
Free school meals
Worksmen's compensation act
School medical inspection
Mud march (NUWSS)
Childrens charter
Pensions act
Labour exchanges act
Henry Asquith becomes PM
Trade boards act
WSPU hunger strikes
Conciliation Bill
Failed, tried again in 1911 but failed again. -
National Insurance act
National insurance act
Part 1: sickness insurance
Part 2: unemployment benefits -
School clinics
Women's pilgrimage (NUWSS)
Britain dependant on imported food
Cat and mouse act
Emily Davidson dies
Period: to
DORA (defence of the realm acts)
Ministry of munitions set up
"Business as usual" stopped by Lloyd George
Conscription introduced
Sugar rationed
Food in short supply (German U-boats)
Some women granted suffrage
Rationing compulsary