History of World War 2

  • 1921, Jan. 30 Adolf Hitler becomes the leader of the Nazi Party

    1921, Jan. 30 Adolf Hitler becomes the leader of the Nazi Party
    Hitler became in leader of the Nazi Party by joining the party the year it was founded. He was named leader by encouraging the disatisfaction of the Treaty Of Versailles.
  • 1922 Benito Mussolini appointed Prime Minister of Italy

    1922 Benito Mussolini appointed Prime Minister of Italy
    In 1922, Benito Mussolini was appointed by the Prime Minister of Italy, so he then became the Prime Minister of Italy.
  • 1929 Josef Stalin sole dictator of the Soviet Union (USSR)

    1929 Josef Stalin sole dictator of the Soviet Union (USSR)
    Stalin was appointed to be the first to serve on the central committee for the Bolshevik Party.
  • 1931 Japan’s Army seizes Manchuria, China

    1931 Japan’s Army seizes Manchuria, China
    Chinese soldiers were said to be sabotaging a Japanese railway, also the Chinese Army had just killed a Japanese spy, and Japan was looking for an excuse to acquire Manchuria.
  • 1933, March 21 - Hitler is named Chancellor of Germany

    1933, March 21 - Hitler is named Chancellor of Germany
    Hitler was appointed to become Chancellor by Franz Von Papen, which in the election before the Nazi party was the largest voted party.
  • 1935 Neutrality Acts passed by US Congress

    1935 Neutrality Acts passed by US Congress
    Congress passed the Neutrality Acts to help keep the U.S out of trouble with the European countries.
  • 1935 Italian Army invades Ethiopia in Africa

    1935 Italian Army invades Ethiopia in Africa
    The Italian Army invaded Ethiopia in Africa because Mussolini had decided to expand land and territories like Hitler's plan.
  • 1936 Militarist take control of Japanese Government

    1936 Militarist take control of Japanese Government
    The Japanese had lost faith in the government, feeling a more powerful and assertive person should run them. They needed a militant and the Militarist took the job.
  • 1936 Hitler sends troops into Rhineland of Germany in violation of the Versailles Treaty

    1936 Hitler sends troops into Rhineland of Germany in violation of the Versailles Treaty
    Hitler claimed the treaty was hostile to them, sending troops to the Rhineland for an excuse to conquer it.
  • 1937 Japan’s army pillages Nanjing, China; massacre a quarter of a million people.

    1937 Japan’s army pillages Nanjing, China; massacre a quarter of a million people.
    The invasion, followed the Mukden, incident, which made the two countries enter total war.
  • 1938 Munich Pact signed giving the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia to Germany

    1938 Munich Pact signed giving the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia to Germany
    This was signed so Hitler wouldn't attack Czechoslovakia, which ended up not working out!!! Britain and France came up with the treaty.
  • 1938 Nazis begin rounding up Jews for labor camps

    1938 Nazis begin rounding up Jews for labor camps
    Germany had issues and needed to blame someone, so they blamed the Jews punishing them and forcing them into labor and concentration camps.
  • 1939 Nazi-Soviet Pact signed by Hitler and Stalin

    1939 Nazi-Soviet Pact signed by Hitler and Stalin
    The two dictators had common goals and decided to surprise the world, and agree not to attack each other for 10 years.
  • 1939 Sept 1st - Nazis invade Poland; Britain and France declare war on Germany

    1939 Sept 1st - Nazis invade Poland; Britain and France declare war on Germany
    Hitler claimed the invasion was defensive action, however, France and Britain weren't convinced. They decided to fight Germany!!
  • 1940 May 10 Nazis invade Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Belgium – take control

    1940 May 10 Nazis invade Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Belgium – take control
    Hitler ordered to invade these countries, this started the war in Western Europe.
  • 1940 July 10 Battle of Britain begins – Royal Air Force defeats German Air Force to prevent invasion of their island

    1940 July 10 Battle of Britain begins – Royal Air Force defeats German Air Force to prevent invasion of their island
    This was the first major campaign fought entirely by air force where Britain defended itself against Germany.
  • 1940 July 14 - 22Germany invades France and forces it to surrender

    1940 July 14 - 22Germany invades France and forces it to surrender
    In May,Belgium and Netherlands surrendered, then in June, Paris fell to Germany, and in July 22, 1940, France surrendered to Germany.
  • 1940 Sept 16 - First time Peacetime Draft in US

    1940 Sept 16 -  First time Peacetime Draft in US
    This was signed in September 16, 1940, FDR made the first peacetime draft.
  • 1941 Hitler breaks Pact with Stalin’s Russia and invades - USSR which now joins England in fighting the Germans

    1941 Hitler breaks Pact with Stalin’s Russia and invades - USSR which now joins England in fighting the Germans
    Germany and USSR had a treaty to made to help each other, however it ended in 1933, when Hitler took office. However, their pact was broken when the Nazis invaded USSR. Stalin, angered, joins England against Germany now.
  • 1941 Churchill and FDR issue the Atlantic Charter

    1941 Churchill and FDR issue the Atlantic Charter
    FDR issued this to help pledge not to attack any of the Allied nations, this was first step to begin Allied Nations.
  • 1941 Japanese invade French Indochina (Viet. Laos, Cambodia)

    1941 Japanese invade French Indochina (Viet. Laos, Cambodia)
    They did this to ensure the Republic China wouldn't import weapons and or fuel.
  • 1941, Dec. 7 Pearl Harbor in Hawaii attacked by Japanese Naval and Air forces, US declares war on Japan, Germany and Italy declare war on the US - Dec. 9

    1941, Dec. 7 Pearl Harbor in Hawaii attacked by Japanese Naval and Air forces, US declares war on Japan, Germany and Italy declare war on the US -  Dec. 9
    The Japanese bomb American base Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, they launched 2 attacks being overwhelmingly successful. This left American angered declaring war on Japan for revenge.
  • 1942 Japanese Americans interned in isolated camps

    1942 Japanese Americans interned in isolated camps
    This was when Japanese Americans were turned into, incarceration camps and were forced to relocation.
  • 1942 Philippines fall to Japanese – Bataan Death March

    1942 Philippines fall to Japanese – Bataan Death March
    This was when the Japanese forced Americans and Filipinos on the Philippines main island to a large prison march in which killed off many.
  • 1942 Russians stop Nazi advance at Stalingrad save Moscow

    1942 Russians stop Nazi advance at Stalingrad save Moscow
    The success here saved Russia from Germany advancing anylonger into their country. This was named by historians to have been a very well strategic battle. This left Russia with great victory.
  • 1942, June 4-7 Battle of Midway, turning point of war in the Pacific

    http://bcove.me/w43ikjr9 - video This marked a major turning point in the war, in the Pacific theater. This US win was a very good one marking a great turning point in the war for them.
  • 1943 British and US forces defeat German and Italian armies in North Africa

    1943 British and US forces defeat German and Italian armies in North Africa
    The fighting in Africa started when the Italians declared war, the British then went there to keep from complete defeat by the Axis, then U.S went there to back Britain up, where they defeated Italy/German allies.
  • 1943 Zoot Suit Riots – Los Angeles, CA

    1943 Zoot Suit Riots – Los Angeles, CA
    These riots were racist attacks between Mexican/American youths and European servicemen.
  • 1943 July - Italy surrenders, Mussolini dismissed as Prime Min.

    1943 July - Italy surrenders, Mussolini dismissed as Prime Min.
    The grand council of fascism voted against him voting him out, after the Allied invasion of Italy.
  • 1944 June 6 - D-Day invasion of France at Normandy by Allies

    1944 June 6 - D-Day invasion of France at Normandy by Allies
    This was an Allied Invasion of Normandy in operation overlord in WW2. These were landing operations.
  • 1944 Aug. - Paris retaken by Allies Forces

    1944 Aug. - Paris retaken by Allies Forces
    This was when American forces were deployed and set, holding back Germany, giving the Allies France back.
  • 1944 Dec. Battle of the Bulge – last offensive of German Forces

    1944 Dec. Battle of the Bulge – last offensive of German Forces
    This was Germany's last large offense, to their surprise it went very well due to Allies overconfidence, and preoccupation. More than 200,000 men were on the German's side.
  • 1945 Jan. – US forces return to recapture the Philippines

    1945 Jan. – US forces return to recapture the Philippines
    This was major, retaking the Philippines, they started on the South shore on the Lingayen Gulf and worked Northward, retaking the Philippines. (The US Forces)
  • 1945 April 16th - FDR dies, Harry S. Truman becomes President

    1945 April 16th - FDR dies, Harry S. Truman becomes President
    FDR, passed away after 4 rememberable terms in office. Surprisingly, when Truman took office, he did not know of the Atomic Bombs being created.
  • 1945 May 8th - V-E Day, war ends in Europe

    1945 May 8th - V-E Day, war ends in Europe
    This is Victory in Europe day, because Nazis surrender, marking the end of the war.
  • 1945 Aug. - First Atomic Bombs dropped

    1945 Aug. - First Atomic Bombs dropped
    An atomic is dropped from the US, on to Japan, forcing them to surrender as well, however, the war council didn't feel like surrendering though they did.
  • 1945 Aug. 14th – V-J Day, Japan surrenders to Allied Forces

    1945 Aug. 14th – V-J Day, Japan surrenders to Allied Forces
    This was when Japan's surrender was made public, surrendering to the Allies. In a formal declaration.
  • 1946 War Crimes Trials held in Nuremberg, Germany; Manila, Philippines and Tokyo, Japan.

    1946 War Crimes Trials held in Nuremberg, Germany; Manila, Philippines and Tokyo, Japan.
    Many Japanese war commanders were hung for crimes, they sentenced germans,and also, held defendants accountable for war crimes.