Good health and wellbeing 3

History of Wellness

  • 3000 BCE

    Traditional Chinese Medicine

    Traditional Chinese Medicine
    Very early, traditional medicine that was originally used in China that was and is still used to treat things like pain, arthritis, stress, etc. It consists of thins like herbal medicines, exercise, massage, and dietary therapy.
  • Development of Homeopathy

    Development of Homeopathy
    Homeopathy was a pseudoscientific system of alternative medicine that was developed in Germany. It is a system of healing that allows the body to restore itself to bring yourself to good health and well-being.
  • Development of Osteopathy

    Development of Osteopathy
    Like homeopathy, osteopathy is a form of alternative medicine. This medical process focuses on manipulating and massaging tissues of bones, joints, and muscles in an attempt to treat medical conditions.
    Video: The Beginners Guide to Chiropractic
  • Development of Chiropractic

    Development of Chiropractic
    Chiropractic is a form of alternative medicine that is often used to treat musculoskeletal complaints from patients. Pain that can be treated by chiropractic is common in the back, neck, and joints. Chiropractic was developed in 1895, but is very common today.
  • Formation of the CDC

    Formation of the CDC
    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was originally formed to prevent malaria from spreading and developed into a center that tries to educate the general public on and combat many different infectious diseases.
    Website: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Formation of the WHO

    Formation of the WHO
    The World Health Organization was set up by the United Nations in an attempt to address international health issues with a goal of creating a healthy globe.
    Website: World Health Organization
  • The Expanded Programme on Immunization

    The Expanded Programme on Immunization
    The Expanded Programme on Immunization was originally created by the World Health Organization with a goal of providing all children around the world with immunizations. Their goal continues to be allowing all who are at risk access to the vaccines they need.
    Video: WHO: Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) 40th anniversary
  • Creation of First Wellness Center

    Creation of First Wellness Center
    The first wellness center was created by Dr. John Travis, an author and medical practitioner, in California. He was a big advocate of wellness, which was originally proposed by Halbert L. Dunn.
  • Eradication of Smallpox

    Eradication of Smallpox
    A vaccination for smallpox, which can have flu-like symptoms and cause a rash to appear on the face, hands, and forearms was created and allowed the virus to be completely eradicated.
    Video: The Origin of Vaccines
  • Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS

    Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS
    The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS was formed in an attempt to unite the world in achieving and supporting universal access to prevention and treatment for HIV/AIDS.
  • Sustainable Development Goals

    Sustainable Development Goals
    There are 17 sustainable development goals created by the United Nations which calls for developed and developing countries to come together in partnership to address 17 different topics by the year 2030.
    Website: THE 17 GOALS | Sustainable Development
    Video: Do you know all 17 SDGs?