History of Voting in the United States

  • 1776 North Carolina Constitution

    This constitution gives people in towns like Fayetteville the right to vote. These town were added to a list if towns already allowed to vote.
  • Seneca Falls Convention

    The first women's rights convention. The convention was on rights, equality, and suffrage for women.
  • The Fifteenth Amendment

    This says that the right to vote should not be taken away because of race. It gives certain people the right to vote.
  • Jim Crow Laws- poll taxes, literacy tests, grandfather clauses

    Voting during the Jim crow south for African Americas was very hard. Everyone had to take a test, pay taxes, and their grandfather had to vote when in a particular election. Most African Americans were not rich and or educated enough to vote. Their Grandfathers also did nit vote.
  • The Seveententh Amendment

    The seventeenth Amendment allowed people to directly vote for Senators. Voters from each state vote on the people who are going to represent them in the Senate.
  • The Nineteeth Amendment

    The Nineteenth Amendment gives women the right to vote. It says that the power to vote should not be revoked based on sex.
  • Indian Citizenship Act

    This act gives all Native Americans citizenship. Somebody no longer has to have less or half Native American blood.
  • The 23rd Amendment

    The Amendment grants people living in the American capital the right to vote. They were previous not allowed but had to conduct themselves as citizens.
  • The 24th Amendment

    This Amendement got rid of poll taxes. Poll taxes were taxes that poeple had to pay to vote.
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    The act got rid of literacy tests that people had to take to vote. ore people came out to vote as well as more diverse people.
  • The Twenty-sixth Amendment

    This gives say that people eighteen or older can vote. The right to vote should not be taken away based on age for anyone that old.