Sancho VI of Navarra had created the city of Vitoria. -
Period: 1181 to
History of Vitoria-Gasteiz
Vitoria's Conquest
Alfonso VIII attacks Vitoria in the absence of Sancho VII -
Kingdom of Castille
The city starts to belong in the Kingdom of Castille. -
Vitoria is a city
Juan II gives to Vitoria the title of city -
Expulsion of the jews
The jews are expelled of the city and give the cemetery to the council, "el campo de judizmendi" -
The printing arrives
The printing arrives at Vitoria with the help Bartolomé Riegp -
Real Bascongada Society
The Real Bascongada Society is created, promoted by the Count of Peñaflorida. -
Build of "Plaza Nueva"
Under the direction of Justo Antonio de Oligabel, the construction of the Plaza Nueva began. -
Battle of Vitoria
At this year Napoleon's troops are beaten in the battle of Vitoria. Beethoven composed a song of this fact. -
The Foral League
In 1905 its created the Foral League for de defense of concert regime -
Capital of Euskadi
Vitoria is chosen as the capital of Euskadi. -
Green Capital
In 2012 Vitoria is chosen as the green capital of Europe