• 2000 BCE

    Manual translation. Approx. 2.000 B.C

    The first appearances of written texts partial translations exist from 2.000 B.C of the Epic of Gilgamesh from Sumerian into Asian
  • 1960 BCE

    Computer-assisted translation. 1960-1990

  • 1800 BCE

    The industrial revolution. 1800

    The industrial revolution created a demand for business documentation, this devellopment created in turn the need to formalize some of the translation specialities
  • 1799 BCE

    The Rosseta Stone. Approx. 1799 B.C

    One of the first written evidences of this process was the Rosetta Stone, where was found a recorded text on Egyptian, hieroglyph,demotic and Greek that served to deciphering hieroglyphics different of the period (1799 B.C)
  • 813

    The House of Whisdom to train a translator base. Approx. 813

    Caliph Al-Mamun built the House of Wisdom to train a translator base, establish terminology, and control translation quality. The right skills flourish best with proper infrastructure and good tools
  • 1500

    The first multilingual publishing industry. 1500

    After millennia of laborious copying moveable print technology was introduced in the 15th century. It killed off Latin, and created the first multilingual publishing industry. 500 years before, block-printing had been used in Asia to print the Chinese translation of the Buddhist Tripitaka.
  • Contributions of Martin Luther. 26/07/1601

    He was responsible for translating the Bible into German, to expand the sacred writings to others countries. Contributions of Martin Luther
  • The first great print runs in history. 1700

    In Europe, Luther’s German translation of the Bible was one of the first great print runs in history. But the explosion of knowledge through printed translation started worrying 17th century Europeans.
  • The translation specialities. 1940

    Since 1940 engineers have been trying to automate the translation process and to aid manual translation mechanically machine translation, machine translation is the process where in theory a translation is performed by a computer program in reality machine translation if often aided by manual pre and post editing unedited machine translation is a free service available online, this produces a translation which is often sufficient to understand the general idea .
  • The electronic computed. 1950

    The electronic computed arrived in the 1950s, not just a number cruncher but a symbol processor. It promised software solutions to almost every translation automation problem. Translators could finally use machines to do the heavy lifting.