History of the World at the Time of Christ

By Sherm90
  • Period: 72 BCE to 4 BCE

    Herod the Great

  • Period: 63 BCE to 14

    Emperor Augustus

  • Period: 51 BCE to 21

    Publius Sulpicius Quirinius

  • Period: 46 BCE to 9

    Gov of Syria Publius Quintilius Varus

  • Period: 42 BCE to 37

    Emperor Tiberius

  • 31 BCE

    (Judea) Judean Earthquake

  • Period: 23 BCE to 18

    Herod Archelaus

  • Period: 20 BCE to 39

    Herod Antipas

  • 19 BCE

    (Death) Virgil, Roman poet dies

  • 19 BCE

    (Rome) Marcus Agrippa completes the Aqua Virgo Aqueduct

  • 19 BCE

    (Literature) Aeneid by the Roman poet Virgil is published

  • 19 BCE

    (Spain) Cantabrians in Spain are conquered by Rome

  • 19 BCE

    (N. Africa) Conquest of the Gramantes in Libya by Lucius Balbus

  • 18 BCE

    (Rome) Caesar Augustus introduces the Lex Julia (Julian Laws)

  • 18 BCE

    (Birth) Arminius, Chieftain of the Germanic Cherusci born

  • 18 BCE

    (Judea) Traditional Date of Mary's birth

  • 17 BCE

    (Rome) Emperor Augustus celebrates the secular games in Rome

  • 17 BCE

    (Black Sea) Asander, Roman client king of the Bosporan Kingdom

  • 16 BCE

    (Europe) Noricum is incorporated into the Roman Empire

  • 16 BCE

    (Germania) Caesar Augustus reorganizes the Germania, Trier their capital

  • 16 BCE

    (Eastern Europe) Noricans join Pannonians invading Histria, defeated by Publius Nerva

  • 16 BCE

    (Temple) construction of the Roman temple of Maison Carrée at Nîmes

  • 16 BCE

    (Germania) Lollian Disaster: Consul Marcus Lollius defeated by Germans

  • 15 BCE

    (N. Italy) Province of Raetia formed

  • 15 BCE

    (N. Italy) Raeti tribes of Alps subjugated by Tiberius and Drusus

  • 15 BCE

    (N. Italy) Drusus builds road Via Claudia Augusta

  • Period: 15 BCE to 19


  • 14 BCE

    (Levant) Caesar Augustus makes Beirut a colony

  • 14 BCE

    (Syria) Roman Legio X is stationed in Syria, Beirut

  • Period: 14 BCE to 46

    Joseph ben Caiaphas

  • 13 BCE

    (Rome) Tiberius and Varus both Consuls

  • 13 BCE

    (Greece) Revolt in Thrace against Roman

  • 13 BCE

    (Gaul/Germania) Drusus made governor of Gaul fights back Germans, pays tribute to Frisii

  • 13 BCE

    (Rome) Altar of Augustan Peace built by Senate to celebrate Augustus' Return

  • 13 BCE

    (Greece) Revolt in Thrace against Roman

  • 13 BCE

    (Birth) Artaxias III, Roman client king of Armenia born

  • 13 BCE

    Death) Rhescuporis II, king of the Odrysian Kingdom dies

  • 12 BCE

    (Architecture) Pyramid of Cestius erected in Rome

  • 12 BCE

    (Astronomy) Comet Halley makes an appearance

  • 12 BCE

    (Rome) Quirinius is consul

  • 12 BCE

    (Germania) Roman armies campaign beyond the Rhine

  • 12 BCE

    (East Europe) Tiberius marches to Pannonia to put down revolt

  • 12 BCE

    (Rome) Emperor Augustus is given the title Pontifex Maximus

  • 12 BCE

    (Far East) King Azes II dies of the Indo-Scythians

  • 11 BCE

    (Birth) Herod Agrippa born

  • 11 BCE

    (Germania) Drusus wins battles against Germans, secures Rhine

    Battle of the Lupia River
    Battle of Arbalo
  • 10 BCE

    (Germania) Romans build bridge across Rhine

  • 10 BCE

    (Architecture) Obelisk of Montecitorio brought from Egypt to Rome by Emperor Augustus

  • 10 BCE

    (Birth) Future Emperor Claudius born

  • 10 BCE

    (Death) Tryphon, Greek grammarian dies

  • 9 BCE

    (East Europe) Pannonia is added into Empire

  • 9 BCE

    (Germania) Drusus campaigns against Marcomanni

  • 9 BCE

    (Literature) Livy completes compilation of his history of Rome

  • 9 BCE

    (Death) Drusus dies falling from his horse in Germania

  • 8 BCE

    (Germania) King Maroboduus becomes ruler of the Marcomanni; fights Romans

  • 8 BCE

    (Germania) Arminius taken hostage by Romans, taken to Rome

  • 8 BCE

    (Death) Horace, Roman lyric poet and writer dies

  • 8 BCE

    (Rome) 2nd Census of Empire by Augustus

  • 8 BCE

    (Tech) August is named as a month, honoring Augustus

  • 7 BCE

    Birth of Christ

  • 7 BCE

    Aristobulus IV Assassinated by Herod the Great

  • 7 BCE

    Greek Philosopher Dionysius of Halicarnassus dies

  • 7 BCE

    Emperor Augusts' 2nd Census of Roman Empire

  • 7 BCE

    Future Emperor Tiberius is Consul of Rome

  • 7 BCE

    (Rome) Tiberius and Piso are Consuls

  • Period: 7 BCE to 30

    Jesus Christ

  • 6 BCE

    Future Emp. Tiberius sent to Armenia by Augustus

  • 5 BCE

    Lucius Vitellius the Elder, future governor of Syria is born

  • 5 BCE

    Nova in Constellation Aquila

  • 5 BCE

    Supernova in constellation Capricornus

  • 4 BCE

    Antipater, son of Herod the Great killed

  • 4 BCE

    Death of Herod the Great

  • 4 BCE

    Seneca the Younger future Roman Stoic Philosopher born

  • 4 BCE

    Seneca the Younger future Roman Stoic Philosopher born

  • 4 BCE

    Malthace, a wife of Herod the Great Killed

  • 4 BCE

    Publius Quintilius Varus, Gov of Syria marches to Jerusalem to Restore order

  • 4 BCE

    Herod Archelaus becomes ruler of Judea

  • 4 BCE

    Herod Antipas becomes Tetrarch of Gallillee and Perea

  • 4 BCE

    Jesus, Mary, Joseph, escape to Egypt

  • 3 BCE

    Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus marches a Roman army into Germany

  • 3 BCE

    King Maroboduus of the Marcomanni organizes Germanic Tribes in Bohemia

  • 3 BCE

    Future Emperor Galba is born

  • 3 BCE

    Seneca the younger, Stateman and Philosopher is born

  • 2 BCE

    Aqua Augusta (Aqueduct) is constructed by Augustus in Rome

  • 2 BCE

    Phraates V becomes king of Parthian Empire

  • 2 BCE

    Augustus proclaimed Father of the Country by Senate

  • 2 BCE

    Phaarates IV is killed by his son Phraates V

  • 1 BCE

    Natakamani becomes King of Kush

  • 1 BCE

    Aulus Caecina Severus appointed Consul of Rome by Augustus

  • 1 CE

    Tiberius enters Germania to put down Revolt

  • Period: 1 CE to 68

    Peter the Apostle

  • 2

    Tiberius allowed back into Rome after 6 years of exile

  • 2

    Gaius Caesar meets with Partian Phraates V; conducted peace

  • 3

    Rule of Augustus renewed for another 10 yrs by Senate

  • 4

    Tiberius summoned to Rome by Augusts; made Heir

  • 4

    Lex Aelia Sentia manages the freeing of Roman Slaves

  • 4

    Tiberius signs Non-aggression pact with Germanic Cherusci

  • 4

    King Phraates V dies, in Persia, Parthia in Interregnum Period

  • 4

    Nicolaus of Damascus; Writer of History of the World dies

  • 4

    Ariobarzanes II king of Client kingdom Armenia died

  • 4

    Gaius Caeser dies

  • 5

    Germanic Tribes Cimbri and Charydes send ambassadors to Rome

  • 5

    Tiberius conquers Germania inferior

  • 5

    Paul the Apostle is born

  • Period: 5 to 65

    Paul the Apostle

  • 6

    Judea becomes a province of the Roman Empire

  • 6

    Birth of Zealot Movement

  • 6

    Fire in Rome- Creation of Firefighters by Augustus

  • 6

    Revolt breaks out in Judea, led by Judas of Gallilee

  • 6

    Cleopatra Selene II ruler of Libya/Cyrenaica dies

  • 6

    Marcus Plautius Silvanus made Gov of Galatia & Pamphylia suppresses rebellion of Isaurians

  • 6

    Food shortage in Rome

  • 6

    Herod Archelaus King of Judea is deposed, exiled to Gaul

  • 6

    Quirius' Census in Judea; upsets Jews

  • 6

    Orodes III king of Parthian Empire dies

  • 6

    Tiberius launches campaign against Marcomanni w/ Legion XX

  • 6

    Tiberus marches to Illyrian to fight Great Illyrian Revolt

  • 6

    Great Illyrian Revolt Starts

  • 6

    Quirinius becomes governor of Syria

  • 6

    (Judea) Marcus Coponius made 1st Gov of Judea

  • 6

    (Judea) Annas made High Priest by Quirinius

  • Period: 6 to 9

    Great Illyrian Revolt

  • 7

    Varus made Governor of Germania

  • 7

    Abgarus of Edessa is deposed as king of Osroene

  • 7

    Temple of Concord constructed in Rome

  • 7

    Vonones I ruler of the Parthian Empire

  • 8

    Jesus left behind in Jerusalem; goes to Synagogue

  • 8

    Ovid completes Metamorphasis

  • 8

    Roman poet Ovid is banished from Rome--> goes to Black Sea

  • 8

    Vonones I king of the Parthian Empire

  • 9

    Lex Papia Poppaea prohibits celibacy and childless relationships

    Trying to increase the population of Rome
  • 9

    Province Illyricum divided into 2 sub provinces Pannonia and Dalmatia

  • 9

    Battle of Teutoberg Forest

  • 9

    Great Illyrian Revolt suppressed by Romans

  • 9

    Roman finances strained (new taxes)

  • 9

    Future Emperor Vespasian born

  • 9

    (Judea) Coponius is replaced as governor with Marcus Ambivulus

  • Period: 9 to 79


  • 10

    Didymus Chalcenterus Roman grammarian dies

  • 10

    Greek Dynasty in Bactria dies out

  • 10

    Pope Linus is born

  • 10

    Hillel the Elder, Rabbi dies

  • 10

    (Birth) Herod Agrippa I

  • 11

    Germania Inferior and Rhine secured by Germanicus

  • 11

    Augustus abandons further conquest into Germany

  • 11

    Artabanus II becomes ruler of Parthia

  • 11

    Rome passes laws on Divination and Astrology

  • 12

    Augustus orders invasion of Germany from Rhine

  • 12

    Qurinius recalled from Judea to serve Tiberius

  • 12

    Armenian Artaxiad Dynasty is overthrown by the Romans

  • 12

    Future Emperor Caligula born

  • 12

    (J)Annius Rufus appointed prefect of Judea

  • 12

    Rhoemetalces I - king of the Odrysian kingdom of Thrace dies

  • 12

    Mark the Evangelist is born

  • 12

    (Judea) Ambivilus is replaced as Gov w/ Annius Rufus

  • Period: 12 to 41


  • 13

    Augustus orders 3rd Survey of Empire

  • 13

    Strabo publishes book on shape of the Earth

  • 13

    Quintus Silanus made Gov of Syria

  • 14

    4th Census of Roman Empire - by Augustus

  • 14

    Augustus dies in Rome

  • 14

    Germanicus launches campaign in Germany

  • 14

    Tiberius becomes Emperor of Rome

  • 14

    Legions on the Rhine mutiny, Germanicus restores order

  • 14

    Germanicus massacre's the Marsi Tribe

  • 14

    Hellenistic Period Ends

  • 14

    Nauportus, Pannonia, is sacked by mutinous Legion

  • 15

    Germanicus launches more attacks in Germany, redeems defeat at Teutoberg Forest

  • 15

    Nicolaus of Damascus writes a biography of the Emperor Augustus

  • 15

    Election of Magistrates is take from the people and held only by Emperor and Senate

  • 15

    Vitellius, Roman emperor born

  • 15

    City of Varna is annexed by Romans in bulgaria

  • 15

    Parts of Rome flooded by the Tiber

  • 15

    Apollonius of Tyana, Greek philosopher born

  • 15

    (Judea) Annius Rufus 3rd Gov, is replaced w/ Valerius Gratus 4th Gov

  • 15

    (Judea) Rufus replaced by Valerius Gratus, as 4th Gov

  • 16

    Germanicus gains a great victory at Idistaviso Germania, kills Arminius

  • 16

    Germanicus deploys North Sea fleet to sail along the Rhine

  • 16

    Vonones, unpopular king of Armenia summoned to Syria to avoid war with Parthians

    Summoned by Quintus Silanus
  • 17

    Germanicus returns to Rome from Germania as a hero

  • 17

    Tiberius sends Germanicus to East to fight Parthians

  • 17

    Cappadocia (Asia Minor) becomes a Roman province

  • 17

    Arminius defeats Marcomanni in Germania

  • 17

    Civil war begins in Germania

  • 17

    Numidian Deserter Tacfarinas starts gurilla war in N. Africa against Romans

  • 17

    Herod Antipas build city of Tiberias in honor of the Emp.

  • 17

    Roman Historian Livy dies

  • 17

    Earthquake in Anatolia destroys city of Sardis

  • 17

    Roman poet Ovid dies

  • 17

    Gnaeus Calpurnius Piso made Gov of Syria

  • 17

    (Asia Minor) Lydian Earthquake

  • 17

    (Judea) Simon ben Camithus made High Priest

  • Period: 17 to 24

    Tacfarinas' Rebellion in N. Africa

  • 18

    Germanicus arrives in Syria ready for war with Parthians

  • 18

    detachment of Legion III destroyed in N. Africa

  • 18

    Germanicus concludes a peace treaty with Artabanus II of Parthia

  • 18

    Gov. Piso refuses to help lend legions to Germanicus in his Eastern Campaign

  • 18

    (Judea) Caiphas made High Priest

  • 19

    Germanicus dies in Egypt

  • 19

    Maroboduus, king of the Marcomanni, is deposed, end of German threat

  • 19

    Vonones I, king of the Parthian Empire dies

  • 19

    Tiberius expels Egyptians from Rome, & Jews from Sicily after uprising in Egypt

  • 20

    Tiberius launches investigation into Germanicus' death; Gov Piso commits suicide

  • 20

    Future Emperor Galba is Praetor

  • 20

    Amanitore, Nubian Queen Regnant of Kush, dies

  • 21

    Aedui Gauls revolt, put down by Gaius Silius

  • 21

    Praetorian Guard are formed and moved to Rome

  • 21

    (Science) Pens and metal writing tools made in Rome

  • 21

    (Death) Quirinius Dies

  • 21

    Romans create buffer state in land of the Quadi, in Slovakia

  • 21

    (Death) Arminius, Germanic Leader, dies

  • 23

    (Birth) Pliny the Elder, Roman scientist and writer born

  • 23

    Juba II, king of Mauretania dies

  • 23

    (Rome) Tiberius' son Drusus dies, he loses interest in empire, becomes reclusive

  • 23

    (Literature) Greek Geographer Strabo, publishes "Geography"

  • 24

    Roman war against Numidia and Mauretania ends with their annexation

  • 24

    Greek Geographer Strabo dies

  • 24

    (N. Africa) Tacfarinas' revolt in Africa is repressed

  • 24

    (Rome) Senate expels actors from Rome

  • 24

    (Death) Tacfarinas killed

  • 24

    (N. Africa) Masinissa line of the rulers of Carthage ends

  • 24

    (Rome) Gaius Silius commits suicide after caught in a plot of Sejanus

  • 25

    (Greece) Emperor Tiberius settles a dispute between Messenia and Sparta

  • 26

    (Judea) Pontius Pilate is appointed as prefect of Judea

  • 26

    (Greece) Romans crush an uprising of Thracian tribesmen

  • 26

    (Rome) Tiberius leaves Rome for Capri, give command of Praetorian Guard to Sejanus

  • 27

    (Birth) Roman writer Petronius born

  • 27

    (Rome) Fire in Rome

  • 27

    (Rome) Amphitheatre collapses in Fidenae, killing 20,000

  • 27

    (Birth) Herod Agrippa II born

  • 28

    Jesus tempted by Devil

  • 28

    (Germania) Romans put down rebellion of Frisians

  • 28

    (Christ) Christ Baptized by John the Baptist

  • 28

    (Birth) Julia Berenice, Jewish client queen of Judea born

  • Period: 28 to 30

    Jesus' Ministry

  • 29

    (Death) Livia wife of Augustus and Mother of Tiberius dies

  • 30

    Jesus Crucified and Resurrection

  • 30

    (Birth) Future Emp, Nerva born

  • 30

    (Rome) Sejanus tries to purge parts of Imperial family, Caligula survives

  • 30

    (Literature) Velleius Paterculus writes the general history of the countries

  • 30

    (Literature) Phaedrus translates Aesop's fables

  • 30

    (Death) Shammai, Jewish Talmudic scholar dies

  • 31

    (Rome) Tiberius hears of Sejanus' treachery and executes him