History of the World

  • 10,600 BCE

    Clovis culture

    Clovis culture
    The Clovis culture is a prehistoric Paleo-Indian culture, named for distinct stone tools found in close association with Pleistocene fauna at Blackwater Locality No. 1 near Clovis, New Mexico, in the 1920s and 1930s. The Clovis culture appears around 11,500 - 11,000 uncal RCYBP (uncalibrated radicarbon years before present), at the end of the last glacial period, and is characterized by the manufacture of "Clovis points" and distinctive bone and ivory tools.
  • 10,500 BCE

    Folsom tradition

  • 9500 BCE

    Gobekli Tepe

  • 9500 BCE


  • 9000 BCE

    Chinchorro culture

  • 9000 BCE

    Old Cordilleran culture

  • 9000 BCE


  • 8650 BCE

    Einkorn wheat domesticated

  • 8000 BCE

    Wall of Jericho

  • 8000 BCE

    Las Vegas culture (archaeology)

  • 8000 BCE

    Lauricocha culture

  • 8000 BCE

    Paleo-Arctic tradition

  • 7500 BCE


  • 7500 BCE

    Picosa culture

  • 7500 BCE


  • 7000 BCE

    Peiligang culture

  • 6500 BCE

    Bug-Dniester culture