History Of The USA

  • The Voyage Of The Mayflower

    The Voyage Of The Mayflower
    102 Pilgrims sailed from England to America, because they wanted religious and political FREEDOM. They sailed on the ship "The Mayflower"
  • The New World (America)

    The New World (America)
    Native Americans taught pilgrims many things like growing corn, pumpkins...More people wanted to live in The New World.
  • The War

    The War
    A war is produced between the British Army and the colonists, because they wanted the Frech Land in North America.British won the war, but they didn't pay taxes for the war, so the 13 colonies joined to fight the British
  • Independence

    Colonies declared independence from Great Britain.A big fight is started.Colonist (Led by George Washington) defeated the British and signed the Treaty of Paris.They called their new nation THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
  • Expansion

    French people still owned some land of the colonies.Napoleon offered to sell the land to the United States for $15 million.The president acepted and the country extended.
  • Trail Of Tears

    Trail Of Tears
    The Native American Population started to suffer.Traditions and land were in danger.The US government created the first Indian Territory.A lot of Cherokee people suffered and died because they were forced to walk 1,600 kilometres to new territory.This journey was called "Trail of tears"
  • Civil War (Start)

    Civil War (Start)
    People in the south live on plantations and own slaves.They want to keep their slaves, but people in the north want to abolish slavery.A civil war is started.
  • Civil War (Finish)

    Civil War (Finish)
    The General ROBERT E. LEE, surrendered to General Ulysses Grant, the union Army leader.The civil war is ended.More than 600,000 Americans died.Slaves are free and the country is one NATION.